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International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology

ISSN 2620-4754 (Online)

ISSN 2655-7975 (Print)

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Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha No.10, Kota Bandung Jawa Barat 40132


IJSTT is an innovative open access journal for high-quality research in transportation and infrastructure system by focusing particularly on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research. IJSTT welcomes submissions from all disciplines, including physics, chemistry, engineering and related fields. The journal represents a community-oriented approach to communicating science driven by the needs of scientists and aims to facilitate the flow of knowledge between and beyond these communities.


This journal seeks articles related to the transportation and infrastructure technology. Its scope will include the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Transportation and infrastructure system
  • Electrical and combustion vehicle system
  • Transportation and infrastructure safety
  • Socio-economic and environmental impact of transportation policy
  • Manufacturing and supply chain process in automotive industries
  • Computational materials science and modelling
  • Design and construction for transportation system

and such other topics as the Editors may deem appropriate. Articles need to make a significant contribution to the theoretical and or methodological literature on the subject and contain a strong knowledge component.

IJSTT welcomes submissions of the following article types: Short communication paper (Letters), Technical Paper, Original Research Paper and Topical Reviews.

All Issues
Vol 7, Issue 1

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original research article

Experimental Investigation of PID Control Strategy for Three-Phase Induction Motor Speed Control System Implemented on a Scaled Railway Vehicle Roller Test Rig Driver

Budi Heryadi, Afrianto Afrianto, Dyah Kusuma Dewi, Tommy Wiranata, Hafiz Abdul Rahman, Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, Zainal Abidin

This paper presents development of electric motor speed control system for railway vehicle roller test rig. For maneuver flexibility reason, each must be independently controlled, and consequently, must be precisely controlled to prevent excessive yaw motion of the vehicle. To fulfill this requirement, a control system is built on a 3:10 scaled single roller rig which is driven by a low-cost motor, i.e., AC induction motor. The scale implies acceleration requirement as 1.1 m/s2 and targeted speed as 2000 RPM. The system adopts PID control strategy with Ziegler-Nichols as its tuning method. As a result, the system yields settling time as 12.42 second with steady-state error of 0.75% when the system is being subjected to a step function input. Additionally, the system manages to reject disturbance which is proven by its ability to recover its speed once an amount of disturbance torque is applied. The findings indicate that AC induction motors with PID control strategy offers considerable speed performance over AC servo motors, which are typically much more costly. These findings indicate that AC induction motors with a PID control strategy offer considerable speed performance, making them a viable, cost-effective alternative to the typically more expensive AC servo motors. Moreover, the results have been validated against the roller-rig's operational conditions, confirming that the system meets the required performance criteria.
Issue is not available in this Volume
Vol 6, Issue 1

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original research article

Thermomechanical Modeling of an Exhaust Manifold

Intan K Kushairi, Mokhtar Awang, Aidil Ab Rahman, Ichsan S Putra, Iman Kartolaksono

The commonly used form of transportation mostly relies on-road vehicles nowadays. A vehicle is a mechanism to commute between places with higher efficiency and less time consumption. A vehicle usually consists of multiple working components, in which the engine is well-known to be one of its most crucial components. Although it can be considered the most vital component in a vehicle, the knowledge gaps for an engine are still unlimited. So much more potential can be explored for an engine to reach its maximum capabilities. Part of the perspective that should be explored is to study the engine’s thermal properties. This paper aims to investigate the effect of varying temperatures at the exhaust manifold under a certain amount of time spans. The temperature varied from low to high and vice versa for 6 cycles. The results revealed that the exhaust manifold had undergone an alteration in the strain of the body’s elasticity. Because of that, the displacement of the exhaust manifold, load distribution, and direction have also been affected.
original research article

Driver Behavior Prediction Based on Environmental Observation Using Fuzzy Hidden Markov Model

Alif Rizqullah Mahdi, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Miranti Indar Mandasari

The development of autonomous vehicle systems has progressed rapidly in recent years. One challenge that persists is the capability of the autonomous system to respond to human drivers. Human behavior is an integral part of driving; thus, driver behavior determines changing lanes and speed adjustments. However, human behavior is unpredictable and immeasurable. Some traffic accidents are caused due to the erratic behavior of the driver. Although, traffic laws, such as in Indonesia, regulate the use of lanes concerning the vehicle’s speed. The drivers’ behavior in the lane is more likely to be influenced by the regulation. This paper proposes a novel method of predicting drivers’ behavior by utilizing the concept of fuzzy Hidden Markov Model (fuzzy HMM). HMM has been proven reliable in predicting human behavior by observing measurable states to determine unmeasurable hidden states. The use of fuzzy logic is to mimic the way that humans perceive the speeds of other vehicles. The fuzzy logic determines the relative observed state of other vehicles according to the measured velocity of an ego vehicle and the observed state of observed vehicles. Observation data is obtained by equipping an ego vehicle with an action camera. The observed data, in the form of a video, is then discretized every 2 seconds. The resulting sequence of images is processed to determine several variables: speed and state of the observed vehicles (lane position and speed) and the time instance of the observation. The fuzzy HMM is generated based on observational data. A predictor created using fuzzy HMM equipped with a training and prediction algorithm successfully predicts the behavior of other drivers on the road.
original research article

Lightweight Design and Structural Analysis of a Wheel Rim Using Finite Element Method and Its Effect on Fuel Economy and Carbon Dioxide Emission

Towhidul Islam, Shakik Ahnaf, Md. Muntashir Mamun, Abu Saleh Muhammad Musa

Wheel rims made of metal alloy considerably impact the vehicle’s overall weight. Consequently, employing alloys in the design of wheels results in higher fuel efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions. Weight reduction of vehicles also leads to better acceleration. Lightweight automotive design has been increasingly popular in recent years as a means of conserving energy and protecting the environment. The rim is an essential feature of the vehicle since it bears a substantial portion of its overall weight. A vehicle’s weight can be greatly reduced by using a lightweight rim. However, the impact of a lightweight rim on improved fuel economy and reduced carbon dioxide emissions has not been widely explored. In this study, a wheel rim has been designed, and a finite element model has been developed considering radial load, where tire pressure has also been considered. A practical experiment with identical parameters had also been carried out. The values of equivalent stress, strain, and deformation for a metal and an alloy which is steel and cast aluminum alloy (A356.0), respectively, have been compared. In terms of structural stability, steel and cast aluminum alloy have shown fairly similar results based on equivalent stress and deformation. However, the use of cast aluminum alloy has greatly decreased the rim’s weight as a result of its low density and high specific strength. Additionally, the aluminum alloy rim has shown superior fuel efficiency and lower carbon dioxide emissions. According to the findings, cast aluminum alloy rims are more feasible when building a vehicle wheel rim since they minimize the wheel’s and vehicle’s weight while maintaining structural strength. It leads to less fuel consumption, which can save fuel costs and is important for energy conservation.
original research article

Development of Digital Twin Platform for Electric Vehicle Battery System

Putu Handre Kertha Utama, Irsyad Nashirul Haq, Edi Leksono, Muhammad Iqbal Juristian, Ghulam Azka Alim, Justin Pradipta

The battery system in electric vehicles needs proper monitoring and control to ensure reliable, efficient, and safe operation. Recent advancement in cyber-physical technology has brought the emerging digital twin concept. This concept opens a new possibility of real-time condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of the battery system. Although it sounds promising, the concept implementation still faces many challenges. One of the challenges is the availability of a platform to develop digital twins, which involves data pipelines and modeling tools. The data pipeline will include the acquisition, storing, and extract-transform-load (ETL) with high velocity, volume, value, variety, and veracity data, known as big data. The modeling tools must provide applications to build the high-fidelity model, one of the required elements of the digital twin. Based on those urgencies, this paper proposes a platform that facilitates a digital twinning of the battery system in an electric vehicle. The platform is built on the open-source framework CDAP, equipped with a data pipeline and modeling tools. It has run several performance tests with different computation resource configurations and workloads. Doubling the processing power can reduce 12% of computation time while increasing memory size by four times only reduces 10% of computation time. The result shows that the processing power affects the performance digital twin platform more than the memory size.
original research article

The Effect of Infill Angle and Build Orientation on the Impact Strength and Production Time of Porous Infill Structure

Vincent Wibisono, The Jaya Suteja, Hudiyo Firmanto

In developing a lightweight structure, the density of the structure can be reduced by converting a solid structure to a porous infill structure. Previous research has investigated that a triangular infill structure has the highest impact strength compared to other infill patterns. However, the impact strength of this structure may still be improved by adjusting other parameters without extending the production time. This research goal is to investigate the effect of the build orientation and infill angle on the impact strength and the production time of the triangular infill structure. To achieve that goal, this research uses a 3D printing process to manufacture a triangular infill structure made of Polylactic Acid. Seven levels of infill angle and two levels of build orientation are used to find the effect. In this experiment, twenty-six Charpy Impact specimens are printed using the Fused Deposition Modelling machine. Each specimen is printed according to ISO 179 standards and tested using a GT-7045 impact testing machine to measure the impact strength of the specimen. The results of this experiment indicate that the resistance of the on-edge build orientation to the impact load is better than the flat build orientation. The on-edge build orientation type requires less printing time compared to the flat build orientation type for each infill angle. The use of a 45-degree infill angle exhibits the highest impact resistance. To achieve the shortest printing time, the 0-degree infill angle is recommended.
Issue is not available in this Volume
Vol 5, Issue 2

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review article

Cellular Structure Design and Manufacturability for Electric Vehicle: A Review

Asep Indra Komara, Bagus Budiwantoro, Rachman Setiawan

Cellular structures can be classified into foams, honeycombs, and lattice structures. Each type of structure has its characteristics. Various applications of cellular structures can be found in aviation, bioengineering, automotive, and other fields. In the automotive sector, cellular structures have been used for structural applications and impact- absorbing modules, for example, for protecting the electric vehicle battery pack against impact loading. The challenges that limit the application of cellular structures today include systematically designing pseudo-random cellular structures, assessing which cellular patterns are most suitable for a particular application, and mastery of manufacturing technology for efficient mass production of cellular structures. In this paper, the authors examine the state-of-the-art technology in geometry, applications, and manufacturing of various cellular structures carried out by researchers to obtain an overview of the current conditions for further development of these cellular structures. Limited manufacturing capabilities encourage researchers to design an optimal cellular structure to be applied to a particular function but have high manufacturability. The development of additive manufacturing technology has provided opportunities for researchers to produce an optimal cellular structure commercially soon.
original research article

Endurance Testing of the Electric Vehicle that Converted from the Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle

Yohanes Gunawan, Nina Konitat Supriatna, Arfie Ikhsan Firmansyah, Slamet Slamet, Nanda Avianto Wicaksono, Khalif Ahadi, Naufal Rizqi Fadhilah

In Indonesia, to accelerate the use of electric vehicles (EVs), one of the programs to do is the conversion of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to EVs. This paper presents an overview of the endurance test for ICE vehicles that converted to EVs as far as 10,000 km to see their performance. We used three types of motorcycles, two types of batteries, and two types of passenger load. To get a distance of 10,000 km, the tested vehicle travels about 200 km on 4 different routes every day, where each route has different characteristics of road conditions. After getting the 10,000 km testing, all the types of the electric motor are in good condition and have no minor obstacles. Technically, several improvements need to be done to succeed this program, i.e., wiring and socket that are applied in this program need the waterproof wiring and socket, the converter part needs to be taken care of to avoid rust, and the placement of electrical components that have air conditioning fins (especially inverters) needs to be ensured that they will be exposed to air when the motor is used.
original research article

Digital Twin Model Development for Autonomous Tram Localization

Yolanda Tania Mulyadi, M Rifqi Rafian Putra, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Miranti Indar Mandasari

The rapid advancement of information technologies led to the rapid growth of various aspects, one of which is autonomous vehicles. Digital twin technology is being frequently developed in autonomous vehicle research, enabling real-time remote monitoring and control of the vehicle’s physical assets. This technology can reduce maintenance costs and risks as well as prevent and speed up accident management. This paper proposes a digital twin model for the autonomous tram, one of the vehicles widely explored due to its safety, low emissions, and high capacity. In this research, the proposed digital twin model is utilized to virtually represent the kinematics of the tram prototype in a 2D model from data sent via Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol, enabling real- time remote control with low-band consumption. Virtual representation of the tram prototype is gathered via physical sensors and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) as the virtual model and controlled by a Stanley controller. The results confirmed that the use of the proposed digital twin model could remotely monitor and control the autonomous tram prototype in real-time conditions.
original research article

Resin-based Brake Pad with Fleece Fiber and Its Mechanical Properties

Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Siti Nur Hofifah, Risti Ragadhita, Meli Fiandini, Dwi Novia Al Husaeni, Rina Maryanti

Fleece has strong and good fiber characteristics, which are needed to manufacture brake pads. This study aims to analyze the fleece performance as a friction component material in brake pads. The fleece was initially pre-treated by heating for 4 hours at 150°C and cut into 2 mm sizes. The epoxy resin and hardener were mixed with a ratio of 1:1. The 0.5 g pre-treatment fleece was added to the resin mixture, so the total mass of the resin-fleece mixture was 12.5 g. The mixture was then molded into a cube mold (dimensions of 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 cm). The brake pad was dried at room temperature for a day. The characterizations were done using the compressive strength and puncture strength test. The results showed that the fleece brake pad has good mechanical characteristics, demonstrated by the pressure of 215 MPa, which can still be held by the surface of the fleece brake pad. The puncture test showed an average puncture of 76.43%. Overall, the fleece shows good performance on the brake pads. Fleece has many minerals that make it as powerful fiber characteristics and prospective as a friction component material on the brake pads. This research is expected to provide new information about organic materials for friction materials in brake pads.
original research article

Effect of Sustainable Infrastructure and Service Delivery on Sustainable Tourism: Application of Kruskal Wallis Test (Non-parametric)

Gowhar Ahmad Wani, V Nagaraj

This study examined the effect of sustainable infrastructure and service delivery on sustainable tourism in Kashmir Valley through the five main destinations by covering essential stakeholders. At present, tourism potential nations face destination sustainability issues in various junctures of the tourism sector. Therefore, international agencies and nations focus on sustainable tourism through sustainable transport infrastructure, other factors and improved service delivery. Few studies underlined the role of sustainable infrastructure in service quality and their collective impact on sustainability without empirical evidence at the destination level. At this juncture, the current study presents the summaries of empirical investigation of the effect of sustainable transport infrastructure and services delivery on sustainable tourism in Kashmir Valley. For analysis, the Kruskal-Wallis test (non-parametric) is applied to assess the variation in sustainable tourism based upon the performance of sustainable infrastructure and service delivery at destinations. The application of the Kruskal-Wallis independent samples tests duly confirmed the significant results. Sustainable tourism differs by transport infrastructure performance, other elements and service quality of the destinations. Therefore, it is to be stated that poor functioning of transport infrastructure and other basic structures adversely affects service delivery and raises sustainability issues at destinations. It asserts that the comprehensive sustainable transport infrastructure, water supply and drainage, health and sanitation, solid and liquid waste management are highly required to combat environmental issues and ensure sustainability at destinations. The findings of the study have significant policy implications to promote green infrastructure, quality services and development of sustainable tourism at destinations.
Vol 5, Issue 1

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original research article

Structural Design and Analysis of Electric Car Engine Mount

I Nyoman Adhywinaya, Bentang Arief Budiman

In this paper, the analysis of engine mounting structures that will be applied to electric vehicles is conducted. The engine mounting structure will be subjected to static loading from the mounted components assembly, including the assembly of the gearbox, electric motor, and corresponding brackets. In the structure arrangement, HSLA material is mostly used and general structural steel such as AISI 4130 is also used. This study aims to evaluate the existing design so that further optimization steps can be carried out. Simulations and analysis with a static approach were performed using SOLIDWORKS. The stress and displacement contours are then created, and the location of the critical points of maximum stress and maximum deflection can be obtained so that the safety factor of the design can be evaluated. Based on the simulation results, the current safety factor value is very high when compared to using materials with lower physical properties. In addition, it is necessary to develop further studies involving dynamic loading so that it can also be considered to reduce production costs and increase production efficiency.
original research article

Control Strategy in Electric Vehicle: A Visualized Bibliometric Analysis

Muhammad Rizalul Wahid, Diky Zakaria, Elysa Nensy Irawan, Endra Joelianto

Control strategy has an important role in electric vehicles. It determines the efficiency and performance of electric vehicles. This study analyzes the control strategies on electric vehicles by a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer, Open Refine and Tableau Public software. In this study, the dataset was taken from Scopus. The number of articles used is 1403 documents. The keywords used in Scopus database based on TITLE-ABS-KEY (title, abstract, keyword) are "control strategy" AND "electric vehicle" OR "EV". Based on the result analysis, the number of studies on control strategies in electric vehicles continues to increase from 2013 to 2022. Result analysis of this study provides information that the latest research trend related to control strategies in electric vehicles is wireless power transfer, switched reluctance motor, energy consumption, robust control, disturbance observer, battery life, deep reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning, ECMS and fuzzy logic control. We find that the most influential and productive authors are from China.
original research article

Design and Prototyping of a Simple Test Rig for Fuel Cock Assy

Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, Sarid Mejiartono, Agung Wibowo

This work focuses on the design, manufacturing, and testing of a simple test rig for fuel cock assy. The test rig is needed to facilitate the testing of the fuel cock assy prototype that has been reverse-engineered before the component is directly applied and used in motorcycles. Several design concepts of test rigs are proposed and evaluated. The main parts of the test rig are the fuel hose, valve, T-connector, vacuum pressure gage, and hand-suction pump. Upon completion of the assembling process, a series of testing is conducted to see the performance of the test rig. The result indicates that the test rig is working well despite its simplicity. In addition, there is still room for improvement, among others, is the design of supporting stand to gain a better aesthetic value. As for future work, the prototype has ample opportunity to be upgraded into a sophisticated test rig by adding sensors and microcontrollers to allow automatic testing.
original research article

Bibliometric Analysis of Nano-Sized Agricultural Waste Brake Pads Research During 2018-2022 Using VOSviewer

Sahar Deni, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto

The agricultural brake pad is one solution to reduce the danger of using asbestos in-vehicle systems. This research aims to conduct bibliometric analysis in nano-sized agricultural waste brake pads by combining mapping analysis using VOSviewer software. Application reference manager used to obtain research data. The data received results from a search based on the keyword “Brake pads, Nano-sized, Agricultural waste.” The search results found 1000 relevant published articles in 2018-2022. The results showed that research on nano-sized agricultural waste brake pads has been increasing through the year, and research continues with a high number of publications in early 2022. This study demonstrates the importance of bibliometric analysis in analyzing data on what phenomena happen. This research is expected to help and become a reference for researchers in conducting and determining the research themes.
review article

A Case Study of a 15-Minute City Concept in Singapore’s 2040 Land Transport Master Plan: 20-Minute Towns and a 45-Minute City

Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, Jin Young Park

The 15-Minute city concept emerged as a response to the hyper-motorized city. First popularized by the Mayor of Paris in 2020, 15-Minute City is an evolving concept that derived from its predecessors such as neighborhood-unit planning and walkable city. This paper explores the implementation of the 15-Minute City concept in city planning by using Singapore as the case study. In 2018, Singapore released its Land Transport Master Plan 2040 and which includes an ambitious concept of 20-Minute Towns and a 45-Minute City (2MT45MC) and has similar ideas to the 15-Minute City concept. Through various journal articles and media coverage, Singapore’s policy and regulation regarding its transport planning were thoroughly reviewed to find Singapore’s strategy and challenges in realizing the objective of its 2MT45MC concept. Normalizing active mobility and enhancing connectivity nationwide are the main strategies to overcome the biggest challenges faced: lack of legal backing in personal mobility devices and the country’s rigid zoning. Even though it is too early to say whether 2MT45MC is achievable or not, projects such as the North-South Corridor show that for a long-term plan, it seems feasible.
Issue is not available in this Volume
Vol 4, Issue 2

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original research article

Parametric Study of Factors Affecting Lateral Stability of a Public Transportation Vehicle

Vania Katherine Mulia, Fitri Endrasari, Djati Wibowo, Ibham Veza

The availability of public transport is one of the solutions to traffic congestion in Jakarta. Focusing on angkot, one of the public transport types in Jakarta, this study discusses a model and simulations to investigate several factors that affect its lateral stability. Those factors include rear tire inflation pressure, passenger configuration, velocity, and downhill inclination angle. The results show that the stability of an angkot is proportional to the rear tires cornering stiffness. It also has an indirect relationship with the passenger configuration within the angkot. Moreover, the stability of an angkot decreases as its velocity and the angle of the inclined road increase. In general, this study is expected to have a contribution to the development of public transport in Jakarta, especially angkot.
original research article

Science Teaching Materials for Students with Special Needs: Concept of Exhaust Emissions in Transportation Equipment

Rina Maryanti

The purpose of this study was to find out science learning materials for students with special needs regarding the concept of exhaust emissions in transportation equipment. The research method used experimental demonstration. We prepared research instruments for learning the concept of exhaust emissions in transportation equipment for students with special needs. The results showed that several tools and materials must be provided and several lists of research instrument questions were made. In addition to tools and materials, methods and media must also be adapted to the needs of the child. That’s because the methods and media that are in accordance with the needs of students can make it easier for students to understand the learning material. We hope that the results of this study can make it easier for teachers to teach the concept of exhaust gas emission on transportation equipment, especially for students with special needs.
original research article

Portable Child Seat Design for Motorcycle in the Front and Back Positions

Farid Triawan, Putri Angelica, Desinta Dewi Ramadani, Pusva Juliana

In Indonesia, it is a common practice for people in the urban area to bring children when riding a motorcycle. This habit raises a safety issue for the children as well as the motorcycle rider. For this reason, an additional child seat that allows the child to sit safely is demanded. This study aims to produce an innovative design of an additional child seat for a motorcycle that is portable, safe, durable, easy to use, and comfortable. The seat is designed so that it can be installed at the front and back sides of the rider in the motorcycle. The proposed model is designed to have a mass of between 0.6 to 3 kilograms. It is equipped with a seatbelt and head-protection pad. To evaluate the structural strength, theoretical analyses of solid mechanics were performed under static and fatigue loading conditions. As a result, the static safety factor of the child seat design for the front position was found to be 3.67. On the other hand, the fatigue safety factor of the child seat design for the front position was found to be 2.26, which is considered an infinite life. For the back position, the fatigue safety factor was found to be 2.36. The proposed design is expected to give a contribution to the development of innovative devices in transportation technology.
review article

A Critical Review on Lightweight Design of Battery Pack Enclosure for Electric Vehicles

Ashvin Dhoke, Amol Dalavi

An electric vehicle battery pack which is a gathering of battery modules which subsequently comprised of the battery cell is a primary source of control transmission for an Electric Vehicle (EV). The inappropriate design of the battery enclosure will cause many genuine issues, such as cracking, causing noise, or battery harm. At the same time, the weight of the battery enclosure is huge; in order to get better the driving range of the electric vehicle and diminish the influence of the battery on the vehicle dynamic performance and acceleration performance, it is essential to carry out the lightweight design of the battery enclosure. This paper reviews the multi-material battery enclosure design optimization, the multi- technologies, and a proficient Battery Management System (BMS) for compact battery pack design used to lightweight battery pack enclosure design; the multi-objective optimization approach for distinctive parameters of battery pack enclosure design optimization by diverse manufacturing techniques.
review article

Literature Review: Synthesis Methods of NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles for Aqueous Battery Applications

Fatih Izzul Haq, Muhammad Aldin Nur Zein, Rachel Gabriella, Silmi Ridwan Putri, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Tedi Kurniawan

Today, the application of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles is increasing in the field of technology that is in great demand, thereby increasing the demand for industrial production. The use of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles can be applied in various technologies, including aqueous batteries. Therefore, an effective method for industrial production is needed. This paper aims to discuss and compare a more efficient method in the synthesis of NiFe2O4. The research method used is a literature review of 62 papers. There are several NiFe2O4 synthesis methods, namely Coprecipitation, Citrate Precursor Technique, Mechanical Alloying, Hydrothermal, Sonochemistry, Reverse Micelle, Sol-Gel, and Pulsed Wire Discharge. The results show that the effective synthesis method of NiFe2O4 is Hydrothermal. This is because the hydrothermal method is economically feasible, environmentally friendly, and has no requirement of high temperatures in the calcination process to produce the final product. The nanoparticle size is around 29.39 nm. This paper is expected to assist in selecting the synthesis method of NiFe2O4.
Vol 4, Issue 1

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review article

Orchestrating Innovation Network: Case of Sustainable Transportation Technology

Dita Novizayanti, Eko Agus Prasetio

Currently, the transportation sectors are heading into the advancement of sustainable transportation technology to tackle the issue of unsustainable transportation system which leads to various drawbacks in the future. One of the innovation in sustainable transportation technology is the development of electric vehicle (EV). However, there are noticeable difference between sustainable transportation system and conventional transportation system that requires a massive and synchronous network of related stakeholders to keep innovating and catch up with the progression. On the other side, transportation sector is one of the sector with the massive development that has the consequences of high risk and uncertainty, which leads to the tendency of innovation avoidance. Therefore, the innovation network of EV needs to be nurtured to ensure its sustainability. From the previous study on various sectors, the innovation strategy focuses on two matters: innovation target and actor integration. The latter purpose is required to be conducted in an inclusive manner by engaging people from inside or outside the organization. In the case of innovation in sustainable transportation, the vertical approach plays a significant role in terms of fostering technological advancement. The main solution to reach this objective is through the well-established research ecosystem, which significantly supported by R&D investment by the government. The government takes the role of the innovation strategy implementer to establish a strong research network. Besides as the R&D funder and the hub between researcher and industry, the government also take a role to keep the dynamics of an ecosystem through interaction stimulation, while also engage the innovation results to be relevant with the social, technological, environmental, and economic problems. Moreover, the research center also takes an important role in the ecosystem, such as to engage reiteratively with the industry, become the open-innovation enabler, have the dedicated research agenda, become the multidisciplinary innovation enabler, collaborate with multi-stakeholders, has core research infrastructure, and become the innovation cultural hub. While the country’s industrialization demand keep rising, the research center could consistently become the intermediaries in conducting the research and build the relationship with other non-industry actor. This way, the high risk and uncertainty of innovation could be reduced.
original research article

Techno-Economic Analysis of the NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles for Vehicle Battery Application Using the Hydrothermal Synthesis Method

Muhammad Aldin Nur Zen, Fatih Izzul Haq, Rachel Gabriella, Silmi Ridwan Putri, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Tedi Kurniawan

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the economic and industrial scale of the production of NiFe2O4 for vehicle batteries using the hydrothermal synthesis method. The method used is to calculate gross profit margin (GPM), payback period (PBP), cumulative net present value (CNPV), total investment cost (TIC), and profitability index (PI). NiFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized with the main raw materials being NiCl2·6H2O, FeCl3·6H2O, and NaOH (1:2:8). Calculation results from GPM and CNPV/TIC from the NiFe2O4 industry using the hydrothermal synthesis method show the payback period (PBP) in the third year. So that in the third year onwards it can be predicted that the industry will experience profits. It is expected that NiFe2O4 can be applied on an industrial scale for Li-ion battery anodes.
original research article

Development of Conceptual Design for Electric Bus Body Structure Using Simple Structural Surface Method

Ismoyo Haryanto, Achmad Widodo, Ibrahim Satya, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi, Ojo Kurdi, Bentang Arief Budiman, Sigit Puji Santosa

An optimum design for a vehicle structure is always desired because the structure can significantly affect the vehicle's performance. However, some complex iterations are usually involved in the designing process. The objective of the present study is to implement the Simple Structural Surfaces (SSS) method for analyzing electric bus body structure that can reduce complexity in the stage of conceptual design. The SSS method model the vehicle structure as several planar sheets and determine the forces in each sheet. Implementing the SSS method at the early stage of the vehicle's development can minimize the number of parameter changes needed during the late stage of development. The results showed that compared with the results obtained from FEM, the SSS method gave the maximum stress value on the chassis in good accordance. Yet, the downside of using this method is that determining the deflections in the structure becomes a little bit complicated. Successfully implementing this strategy can reduce the time and cost required to develop an effective vehicle structure.
original research article

Study of Public Transport Development in South Bali Districts: Potential Public Transport Mode

Adni Bidari Putri, Muhammad Farda, Sigit Puji Santosa, Puspita Dirgahayani, Putu Alit Suthanaya, I Gusti Ayu Andani, Hansen Sutanto, Laily Rochmatul Charky, Nunuj Nurjanah

Bali Province in Indonesia is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. The number of tourists visiting this province keeps increasing year by year parallel with the increase of the population of local citizens. Such a phenomenon will certainly increase travel demand and put pressure on the current transport infrastructure. Hence, transport infrastructure development is essential to support the travel demand. This study explores the possibility of implementing a new public transport system in the South Bali District, a district with numerous tourist attractions and activity centres. Data collection on the current transport system and land use in the district were carried out to understand potential corridors for public transport. A stated preference survey was also conducted to discover the public transport mode preferred by the respondents, encompassing tourists and local citizens. This study then recommends the type of public transport mode to be implemented in the district based on i) space availability, ii) respondent preference, and iii) ability to accommodate demand based on calculation. The study concludes that Automated Rapid Transit (ART) is a mode that has the highest potential to be implemented in South Bali Districts.
original research article

Rest Area Development in Central Java (Case Study: Rest Area on Semarang–Solo Toll Road)

Edy Darmawan, Suzanna Ratih Sari, Hermin Werdiningsih, Adhisti Samsinar Enis

The construction of the road network is carried out to support the growth and acceleration of the economic process and the development of the tourism industry. It is also projected to improve the socio-economic conditions of the community. In the last few years, the Central Java Government has built toll roads to connect several cities in Central Java in one fast lane. However, it was not followed by the construction of supporting facilities such as rest area that serves a place to rest for motorists when they experience fatigue during long trips. The existence of the place is still limited, and it was not evenly distributed along the toll road, causing long queues at the entrance of some rest area when the volume of the vehicles is overflow. Based on these problems, the purpose of this research is to study and develop the requirement of rest area that can meet the needs of motorists traveling through the toll roads in Central Java. To achieve these objectives, this research used a qualitative descriptive method to describe and explain the problems in the field, and further analyze them to get a comprehensive result. The result of this research is presented in the form of published research reports and scientific articles. It is expected to provide benefits to the relevant scientific field, especially those related to architecture in developing rest areas that suit the needs of road users.
Issue is not available in this Volume
Vol 3, Issue 2

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original research article

Quasi-static Compressive Properties and Behavior of Single-cell Miura Origami Column Fabricated by 3D Printed PLA Material

Farid Triawan, Geraldy Cahya Denatra, Djati Wibowo Djamari

The study of a thin-walled column structure has gained much attention due to its potential in many engineering applications, such as the crash box of a car. A thin-walled square column usually exhibits high initial peak force, which may become very dangerous to the driver or passenger. To address this issue, introducing some shape patterns, e.g., origami folding pattern, to the column may become a solution. The present work investigates the compressive properties and behavior of a square box column structure which adopts the Miura origami folding pattern. Several test pieces of single-cell Miura origami column with varying folding angle and layer height are fabricated by a 3D printer. The filament is made of Polylactic Acid (PLA), which is a brittle material. Then, compression tests are carried out to understand its compressive mechanical properties and behavior. The results show that introducing a Miura origami pattern to form a thin-walled square column can dramatically lower down the initial peak stress by 96.82% and, at the same time, increase its ductility, which eventually improves the energy absorption capacity by 61.68% despite the brittle fracture behavior.
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Optimization of Longitudinal Control of an Autonomous Vehicle using Flower Pollination Algorithm based on Data-driven Approach

Fadillah Adamsyah Ma'ani, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin

Some challenges in the development of autonomous vehicles, such as generating a model representing the dynamics of the speed, designing a longitudinal controller, and the optimization method, are still explored until now. In this paper, a longitudinal controller based on the proportional-integral-derivative controller with an additional feedforward term is proposed, where the Flower Pollination Algorithm is employed for optimizing the controller. The feed-forward term and the model used in the optimization are generated using the data-driven approach. For the optimization, a cost function considering mean absolute error and mean absolute jerk will be minimized. The simulation study was performed using the CARLA simulator, and the results show that the proposed scheme represents the dynamics of the speed very well inside the range of the training data and does not overfit the training data. It is also demonstrated that the proposed longitudinal controller can track the desired speed satisfactorily in a non-straight path.
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Al Ions Doping Effect on The Diffusion Coefficient and Capacity of Li4Ti5O12 (Lithium Titanate, LTO) in Lithium-Ion Battery Anode

Slamet Priyono, Lufthansyah Daniswara, Rahma Alfia Khoiri, Yayuk Astuti

Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) anode doped with Al ions with varying concentrations (Al = 0; 0.005; 0.015; 0.03; 0.045) was successfully synthesized using the sol-gel method. Al-doped LTO samples were obtained through the sintering of gel at 850oC for 4 hours under a normal atmosphere. Electrochemical performance such as charge-discharge capacity and diffusion coefficient were characterized using an automatic battery cycler. The cells consist of electrode sheets (LTO doping Al) as a working electrode, lithium metal as the counter electrode, Celgard film as the separator, and LiPF6 as an electrolyte. Cyclic voltammetry test results show that a greater scan rate results in decreased capacity and greater polarization voltage. In addition, an increase in concentrations used in Al doping on LTO causes capacity, and the diffusion coefficient tends to decrease.
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Highway Failure and Their Maintenance: A Study of Rajshahi Metropolitan City, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Mehedi Hasan, Mohd. Abdus Sobhan

Total length of paved road in Rajshahi City is about 186.64 km (2011 census). It shows that about 23% of total road lengths are present in failure condition. This study shows an investigation to compute the flexible pavement’s failure types, to define and identify the causes, and select the best maintenance for that failures of flexible pavement within Rajshahi City. There are many types of failures occur on the roads such as different types of cracks, potholes, raveling, water bleeding, corrugation and shoving, depression, and rutting. The possible causes of flexible pavement failures are improper bituminous mixes with poor quality of materials, heavy traffic loads, heavy rainfall, and bad drainage on pavement. The failures are gradually raised due to lack of proper planning, inspection, and treatment. These failures create different types of disadvantages like traffic jam, discomfort to the passengers as well as drivers, increasing vehicle operating, maintenance cost, etc. This study proves that the authorities practice maintenance procedures to repair the failures of pavement which are about 60% similar to the conventional road maintenance procedures. The authorities as Roads and Highway Department and Rajshahi City Corporation are suggested to do maintenance according to the requirements of urgent maintenance and availability of fund which is found in this investigation.
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Foldable Front Child-Seat Design for Scooter Motorcycle: Strength Analysis Under Static and Dynamic Loading

Siti Zulaikah, Wahyu Haykal Rahmanda, Farid Triawan

Nowadays, motorcycle is considered as one of the most practical transportation mode in Indonesia. It has become a common practice that a motorcycle rider often brings a small child using a child seat while riding. However, the used child seat is usually not safe and can easily fall off from the motorcycle due to the lack of safety consideration. Moreover, it is very risky to ride a motorcycle with a small child, knowing that motorcycles are the highest contributor to road traffic accidents. For this reason, this paper proposes a primary design idea of a foldable child safety-seat that can be placed on the front part of a scooter motorcycle. This design is also completed with strength analysis to evaluate the components’ safety for children under five years old with a weight of around 50 kg. The strength calculation of the frame is done by a theoretical approach under static and dynamic loading. According to the analysis, the proposed child seat design could provide a factor of safety of more than 3.6 for static loading and 1.6 for dynamic loading. This study is expected to be used as a reference for developing a more reliable child safety- seat for motorcycle rider in Indonesia.
Vol 3, Issue 1

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The Correlation between Toll Road Development and the Improvement of Local Economy (Case Study: The Soroja Toll Road)

Lisna Rahayu, Desiree Marlyn Kipuw

Most studies assume that road development will improve the economy in the region, as reflected by an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, GDP is macro in nature and tends to be biased if we ask who benefits from its increase. To identify whether road development has a positive correlation with the improvement of local economy, hence this study was conducted in a micro context by taking the development of the Soroja Toll Road in Indonesia as a case study. With a length of 10.57 km, connecting Bandung Regency and Bandung City, the newly constructed Soroja Toll Road has a strategic function in supporting activities in the Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) and is predicted giving implication on increasing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) profit surrounding its corridor. However, a toll road cannot entirely be seen as a public goods, because not all people have access to this type of infrastructure. Only the users of four-wheeled vehicles and those who can afford to pay the toll charge can access the toll road. This study was aimed at identifying the correlation between the developments of the Soroja Toll Road with the improvement of local economy (SMEs) in its surrounding areas. Based on the analysis result, this study indicates that the presence of the Soroja Toll Road had a bigger positive correlation with the increased profit of medium-sized industries than small-sized industries due to their ability to capture a broader market.
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Influence of Braking Strategies for Electric Trike Energy Consumption

Metha Islameka, Christopher Fernaldy Kusuma, Bentang Arief Budiman

This research aims to investigate the effect of applying braking strategies to the energy consumption of electric trike (e-trike). E-trike is a three-wheeled vehicle that is designed for goods delivery. A simulation is carried out to find the specific electric energy consumption in terms of km/kWh. The simulation is conducted by developing an energy consumption model using Matlab/Simulink software. The input data used in the simulation is obtained from the e-trike specification designed by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) researchers. The output is the battery State of Charge (SOC) and energy required for the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) driving cycle. Four different braking strategies are implemented in the simulation, namely full mechanical braking, serial regenerative braking, parallel regenerative braking, and modified braking strategies. The simulation results show that by applying the modified braking strategy, greater savings of energy can be achieved. Full mechanical braking strategy can achieve energy savings of 19.2 km/kWh whereas the modified braking strategy generates 20 km/kWh. These results indicate that the application of modified braking strategies can significantly increase the e-trike mileage.
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Design and Simulation of Two-Wheeled Balancing Mobile Robot with PID Controller

Vicky Mudeng, Barokatun Hassanah, Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Okcy Saputra

Mobile transportation robots using two wheels have now been investigated. The work within this study is to design and simulate two-wheeled robots, thus it can maintain its balance. Many control methods are used to determine satisfactory control optimization, therefore a proper response is obtained by sensor recitation corresponding with the reaction of a Direct Current (DC) motor. Recently, two-wheeled transportation robot is a Segway model. In this study, we apply a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller as a control system in a self-balancing robot with a working principle is similar to an inverted pendulum. In the next study, the PID controller and the whole system are applied in the microcontroller board. The angular velocity of two DC motors used as a plant can be adjusted by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) through a motor driver. An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is utilized to detect the angular acceleration and angular velocity of the self-balancing robot. The phase design is constructed by planning the robot dimension, mechanical system, and an electronic system. Particularly, this study performs mathematical modeling of the robot system to obtain the transfer function. In addition, we simulate the PID parameter with multiplication between the basic parameter and several fixed constants. The simulation results indicate that the robot can maintain its balance and remains perpendicularly stable for balancing itself.
review article

A Review of Range Extender Technologies in Electric Vehicles

Evelyn Evelyn, Abd. Rashid Abd. Aziz, Poetro Lebdo Sambegoro

With the increasing global concern on negative environmental effect from the transportation sector, conventional automobile technologies will not be viable for much longer. Countries like the EU and China have introduced emission related regulations which are stricter than ever. This has compelled automotive manufacturer to turn to Electric Vehicles (EV) as the most effective solution to this issue. There are mainly two types of EV, namely Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). Both has its own strength and shortcomings, BEV with zero emission but limited range while HEV has better range at the expense of higher emission. Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) provides a midpoint between these options. This option provides the best of both worlds by allowing users to switch between both systems depending on the vehicle’s operating condition. This paper aims to presents a variety of Range Extender (RE) configurations based on its working principle and type of fuel used. Internal combustion engine, fuel cell, and microturbine are what RE is commonly powered by. The advantages and disadvantages are evaluated and compared to determine the optimal option. It was concluded that depending on fuel availability, space, and efficiency requirement, each configuration has its own merit.
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Improving the Accessibility of the West Java Southern Area through Collector Road Widening

Andrean Maulana, Muhammad Farda

This study assesses the impact of the road segment widening in the southern area of West Java Island. The resulting network performance is measured by volume capacity ratio, network average speed, aggregate travel distance and time. The network 4-step modeling approach was used for the analysis and data on traffic counts and average speed are used to validate the model. The study proceeds two scenarios for the analysis, namely the do-nothing scenario, in which no road widening occurs, and the do-something scenario where the road widening is carried out. The result shows that widening the road segments will contribute to improving accessibility in the area, which is reflected by lower volume capacity ratio and higher average network speed. This study also triggers a research question on alternative transport modes to improve accessibility in the southern area of West Java.
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Vol 2, Issue 2

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The Effects of Grain Size, Oxidizers and Catalysts on Band Gap Energy of Gelam-Wood Carbon

Nirwan Syarif, Dedi Rohendi, Sri Haryati, Claudia Kartika Sari Dewi

The research of the effects of grain size, oxidizers, and catalysts on band gap energy of gelam-wood carbon has been conducted in which the carbons were produced from gelam-wood pyrolysis in high temperatures. The instrumentations used in this study were UV-Vis, FTIR spectrophotometer, and SEM. SEM and FTIR were used to characterize the morphology and the functionality of the carbon surface. UV-Vis spectrograms showed that the electronic property of carbon such as band gap was affected when grain size and surface area were changed. The increase of the functional groups in carbon occurred as the surface area of the carbon was increased. Band gap energy of crystalline carbon became much lower along with the increase in grain size due to the effects of bands-broadening. FTIR spectrograms showed that the carbon contained of hydroxyl and carboxylic groups. The hydroxyls were derived from steam-oxidized carbon that was provided narrower in the interlayer distance and lower-set band gap energy. Carboxylic groups were derived from acid nitric oxidation causing flat layer to become curved. The layers were wider and the band energy was higher. The main factor that affects the electronic structure of metal oxide in carbon/metal oxide composites was atomic alignments. The band gap energy increased along with the increase of the asymmetry alignments in metal oxide.
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Electrochemical Evaluation of Lithium-Ion Battery with Anode of Layer-Reduced Biocarbon and Cathode of LiFePO4

Nirwan Syarif, Dedi Rohendi, Nyimas Febrika Sya'baniah

The application of reduced carbon anode layer and LiFePO4 cathode was conducted in laboratory-scale battery. Both electrodes were fabricated into lithium - ion battery with LiCl electrolyte in both gel and liquid based. The carbon was prepared by using Hummer method and solvent sonification to exfoliate the carbon layer from biocarbon. The battery performance tests were carried out in potentiostat for Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and galvanostatic measurements. The highest current of CV measurement can be obtained in the battery with reduced carbon layer anode and 20% of liquid electrolyte. It was calculated that the same battery produced the highest energy and power. Current - Voltage profile is relatively stable in CV of batteries with 40% electrolytes in both gel and liquid media. All batteries have two peaks in both anodic and cathodic. The reduction peaks show in around 0.5 and 1.5 volts. The cathodics show in around –0.5 and –1.5 volts. The best power and energy values are given by battery with rCNSO anode and 20% liquid electrolyte. Galvanostatic profiles show that the 40% electrolytes in the batteries produces a slower discharging process. It was revealed that applying anode of layer reduced biocarbon as the battery electrode caused the discharging to run faster. The highest slope value of the galvanostatic curve can be found in the battery with the electrode of oxidized starting material and 40% of gel electrolyte, while the lowest can be found in 20% gel electrolyte with the same electrode.
review article

Battery Cells for Electric Vehicles

Putri Nur Halimah, Samuel Rahardian, Bentang Arief Budiman

The shifting trend of conventional to the electric drivetrain in automotive industries makes batteries become the most favorable energy storage. There are three types of battery cells that are commonly used for electric vehicles i.e., cylindrical cells, pouch cells, and prismatic cells. The use of active material such as lithium-ion in the battery of electric vehicles could bring some issues related to the safety field. For that reason, comprehensive research on battery failure analysis needs to be conducted. This paper reviews the recent progress of the use of battery cells in electric vehicles and some challenges which must be considered to assure their safety. There are a lot of studies on battery failure analysis, which mainly focuses on the appearance of a short circuit as the main cause of the thermal runaway event. Several proposals on predicting short circuits in the battery due to various loading are comprehensively discussed. Those research results can be considered to establish regulations in designing battery protectors.
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An Innovative Design of Magnetorheological Lateral Damper for Secondary Suspension of a Train

Aji Masa'id, Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Bhre Wangsa Lenggana, Nurul Muhayat, Wibowo Wibowo, Saiful Amri Mazlan

This article delivered an innovative idea of a magnetorheological (MR) damper for secondary suspension of train bogie. The valve inside MR damper adopted meandering of both fluid flow and magnetic flux for improving magnetization area. In this work, the design and working principle of the MR valve were presented including a mathematical model to predict the pressure drop. In the early stage, the finite element method magnetics software (FEMM) simulation could predict the magnetic flux density across the passages. Based on the amount of magnetic flux, the corresponding shear yield stress could be determined from its basic physical properties. The mathematical model covered pressure drop prediction for both off-state and on-state. The FEMM simulation results showed that the meandering flow and serpentine flux design could improve the effective area of magnetization. Consequently, the pressure drop of the valve could have wider ranges and achieve a high value of pressure differences. This result could be potentially improving the performance of the damping forces of the lateral damper in a bogie train.
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Analysis of Feeder Needs to Support the Implementation of LRT in Palembang

Joni Arliansyah

Palembang City in August 2018 was the first city in Indonesia which operated a mass transit of Light Rail Transit (LRT). LRT in Palembang City has a length of 23 km and 13 stations that stretch from the Airport station to the DJKA station. In its first year of operation, it was noted that the number of passengers using LRT was still very small, some efforts were needed to increase the number of LRT passengers. This study aimed to increase the number of LRT passengers by analyzing the development of the feeder line, the potential for increasing the number of passengers, and the infrastructure needs to support LRT operations in Palembang. The results show that four stations have the potential to develop feeder lanes, namely Asrama Haji station, RSUD station, Garuda Dempo station, and Polresta station, with the increased total number of potential passengers of 1460 passengers/day. The supporting infrastructure needed to support movement using LRT consists of a park and ride facilities, pedestrian bridges, the construction and repair of pedestrian facilities, and drop-off and pick-up facilities.
Vol 2, Issue 1

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Module Stabilizing of Biocarbon Based Electrochemical Capacitor

Nirwan Syarif, Dedi Rohendi, Wulandari Sudarsono, Wai Yin Wong

One of the disadvantages of the electrochemical capacitor (EC) or supercapacitor compared with batteries is its low specific energy. It limits of EC to meet the energy needs of the electrical-electronic devices, such as electric cars. To overcome those limitations, it needs a serial circuit to increase the voltage range, and parallel circuits to increase the storage capacity. Practically, the module that built from 2-6 pieces of 2.5V EC cells will not feasible to make the module with the voltage of 5-15 V. It was found that the voltage of the EC cell could decreases to about 2.0 V, so that the capacitance of the module significantly reduced. This paper reports the basic methods that can be applied to overcome these problems by using a stabilizing or balancing component. The balancing components used in this study were a resistor, a Zener diode, and a Schottky diode. Each component was attached to every EC cell. The influence of the Zener and Schottky diode was observed as a component of a blocking diode. The results showed that the use of a 100-ohm resistor and Zener diode reduces voltage peaks while the use of blocking diode modules leads to increased discharge time. In general, there was no significant change in the charging time, both with and without the balancing and blocking component.
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Evaluation of Motorcycle Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic

Stepan Pance, Daniel Piskac, Adam Bures, Antonin Voldrich, Maros Kovac, Bentang Arief Budiman

This paper aims to evaluate the energy consumption of motorcycle operating in urban traffic. Position, speed, and elevation in each time segment are collected by GPS - tracking data from the journey of motorcycle Honda Verza 150 in Bandung city. The distance, acceleration, and required tractive force for the motorcycle motion are then calculated. Furthermore, the energy consumption is investigated by modeling the motorcycle and calculating tractive force from the force equilibrium. For each time segment, engaged gear is then proposed for the best energy efficiency. The relationship among speed, required tractive force, and shifted gear according to time and distance are comprehensively discussed.
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Calibration of Traffic Incident Simulation Models Using Field Data

Semuel Y. R. Rompis, Filmon G Habtemichael

This study presents a methodology to calibrate a traffic incident simulation model, particularly in a freeway. The queue length was used as the objective of the simulation model calibration in this study. The simulation model was set up using Traffic Simulation Model PTV. VISSIM. Multiple incident durations were simulated, and the generated queue lengths were compared to the observed queue lengths. The observed queue lengths were estimated using the LWR model and shockwave speeds calculated using the field data. The results confirm that calibrated VISSIM incident model can signify the shockwave propagation speeds and queue length in the event of freeway incident. Such a model can be implemented as an instrument for setting up traffic management strategies to alleviate the incident’s impact.
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Network Analysis of Intercity Bus Terminal and Inner-City Toll Road Development – The Case of Bandung City

Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas, Russ Bona Frazila, Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, Widyarini Weningtyas, Muhammad Farda

This paper explores the impact of Gedebage Terminal development to traffic performance in Bandung City, as well as the development of the inner-city toll road that connects eastern and western part of Bandung City. In addition, the study also analyzes the potential of minibus / public transport route that connects three terminals, namely Gedebage, Cicaheum and Leuwipanjang Terminal, in Bandung City. The study is carried out by using the 4-step modeling principle, by utilizing EMME/4 software. According to the analysis, the development of inner-city toll road will impact the city’s road performance significantly. On the other hand, the development of Gedebage Terminal as a terminal that serves intercity travel replacing Cicaheum Terminal will influence road network performance around the terminal in terms of traffic flow, vehicle speed and volume capacity ratio. The analysis results also suggest that the addition of public transport fleet with high capacity, such as bus, that connects the bus terminals is necessary to support public transport performance in Bandung City.
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Optimal Power Flow with Considering Voltage Stability using Chaotic Firefly Algorithm

Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Vicky Mudeng, Muhammad Robith

In transportation technology, the development of electric vehicle is growing rapidly. In the future, the availability of electrical power is crucial because every electric tool needs electrical power. Power plant must provide electrical power for all consumer include an electric vehicle. Sustainability of electrical power transmission and distribution must be considered as critical due to its high power consumption in the community. One of the problem to supply electrical power is how to keep the system’s voltage stability. Several variations on the load pattern and topological can lead to a substantial poor impact on the system. However, generation cost must be considered by utilities’ operator. This paper demonstrates a recently developed metaheuristic method called Chaotic Firefly Algorithm (CFA). Our simulation shows that this method may perform better than several well-known metaheuristic methods. Therefore, CFA may become a promising method to solve optimal power flow considering voltage stability cases.
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Vol 1, Issue 2

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review article

A Review on Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Sources and Applications for Fuel Cell Vehicles

Dedi Rohendi, Dea Radestia Rahmah, Dwi Hawa Yulianti, Icha Amelia, Nyimas Febrika Sya'baniah, Nirwan Syarif, Addy Rachmat

Hydrogen gas is an energy carrier that has many advantages, including energy density for high mass and environmentally friendly. Hydrogen can be produced from various sources by numerous methods. Hydrogen production from renewable sources is interesting, due to the sustainable and inexpensive supply of the raw materials. Among the sources of renewable raw materials for hydrogen production are water and biomass with various production methods. It consists of the electrolysis of water with acidic and basic conditions, as well as thermochemical and biochemical biomass conversion.
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Review of Switched Reluctance Motor Control for Acoustic Noise and Vibration Reduction

Jihad Furqani, Agus Purwadi

Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) is one of the candidates for substituting permanent magnet motor in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) application. Compared to permanent magnet motor, SRM is relatively low cost, robust, high reliability, and possible for high-temperature operation because of the absence of permanent magnet. One significant problem in SRM is the high acoustic noise and vibration. The vibration in SRM is caused by the radial forces acting at the stator teeth. Because of the saliency pole configuration in SRM, vibration is prominent. Many studies tried to reduce acoustic noise and vibration in SRM. In this paper, several controls for acoustic noise and vibration reduction are shown. The acoustic noise and vibration reduction from the experiment are also compared in each method.
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Effect of Curing Current on Stiffness and Damping Properties of Magnetorheological Elastomers

Norhiwani Hapipi, Saiful Amri Mazlan, Siti Aishah Abdul Aziz, Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Norzilawati Mohamad, Izyan Iryani Mohamad Yazid, Seung-Bok Choi

In this study, the viscoelastic effects of the magnetic field strength imposed for curing process on the stiffness and damping properties of magnetorheological elastomers (MREs) are experimentally investigated. In order to observe the effect, three different samples of MRE are fabricated by imposing curing current of 0.1 A, 0.3 A and 0.5 A which is equivalent to the magnetic field of 70 mT, 309 mT, and 345 mT, respectively. All samples consist of 30% silicone rubber and 70% carbonyl iron particles (CIPs) by weight percentages. After observing the morphological images via SEM, the dynamic performances of these samples, such as storage modulus and loss factor are evaluated and compared as a function of the magnetic field intensity or oscillation frequency. It is shown that the sample cured at 0.5A exhibits the highest storage modulus in the frequency domain. In addition, MR effects of three samples are identified, and it is found that the sample cured at 0.5A shows the highest absolute and relative MR effect.
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Transportation System Development and Challenge in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia

Muhammad Farda, Harun al-Rasyid Lubis

Jakarta Metropolitan Area has been facing problem in terms of congestion and its chain effect, namely time value loss, high fuel consumption, and high greenhouse gas emission. The problem is caused by many factors, namely high population, high use of the private vehicle, inadequate current public transport supply, urban sprawling, etc. The government, both City and National Government has been formulating and implementing a plan to develop sustainable transportation that serves the citizen of Jakarta Metropolitan Area. This included the operation of Jakarta Bus Rapid Transit, KRL Commuter Line and Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit. In the near future, both inner city and metropolitan light rapid transit will also operate in this area. This paper reviews the development and challenge of the transportation system in Jakarta Metropolitan Area and proposes a recommendation to optimize the current transport system. In general, there are three components that should be considered to achieve sustainable transportation. Those components are i) strong transport authority, ii) integrated master plan, iii) Sustainable Resources, Funding, and Financing.
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Train Localization using Unscented Kalman Filter–Based Sensor Fusion

Ismail Faruqi, Muhammad Brahma Waluya, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Tua Agustinus Tamba

This paper presents an application of sensor fusion methods based on Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) technique for solving train localization problem in rail systems. The paper first reports the development of a laboratory-scale rail system simulator which is equipped with various onboard and wayside sensors that are used to detect and locate the train vehicle movements in the rail track. Due to the low precision measurement data obtained by each individual sensor, a sensor fusion method based on the UKF technique is implemented to fuse the measurement data from several sensors. Experimental results which demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed UKF-based sensor fusion method for solving the train localization problem is also reported.
Vol 1, Issue 1

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Structural Optimizations of a 12/8 Switched Reluctance Motor using a Genetic Algorithm

Umar Sholahuddin, Agus Purwadi, Yanuarsyah Haroen

Structural design optimization of 12/8 switched reluctance motor using single objectives genetic algorithms is explored. The objective of this optimization is to maximize the output torque using four parameters, namely rotor width of tooth root, rotor width of tooth tip, half of stator tooth width, and stator outer diameter. The result is the optimized motor has higher average torque of 25% compared to the initial design. The evaluation of motor model is finite element method. The 12/8 switched reluctance motor will be applied in a mini electric vehicle.
review article

On the Lightweight Structural Design for Electric Road and Railway Vehicles using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites–A Review

Faizal Arifurrahman, Bentang Arief Budiman, Muhammad Aziz

The main challenging issues of vehicles with electric propulsion are on the limited energy source due to relatively low battery capacity and low excitation of power traction. They can be tackled down by designing lightweight structures for frameworks and bodies of the vehicles. Composite materials which have a high strength to weight ratio are the best choice for designing and manufacturing the lightweight structures. A review of recent progress in utilization of the composite materials for electric vehicle structures is presented. It focuses on how the structures can support the electric vehicles to compete with internal combustion engine vehicles regarding their performance on the road. The utilization of composite material for structures of railway vehicles is also summarized. Furthermore, discussions are extended to the key technologies required for applying the composite materials in Indonesia such as composite–metal joint technology, fiber and matrix production technology, and numerical analysis competency for modeling the composite.
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Mapping of Inbound Flows in Supply Chain of Lithium-ion Industry in Indonesia

Wahyudi Sutopo, Roni Zakaria, Ari Wardayanti, Fakhrina Fahma

The demand for lithium battery is currently high from the consumer side due to the widespread application of lithium-ion battery for electronics (laptops, notebooks, mobile phones, street lighting) and electric vehicles (electric cars and electric motors). In Indonesia, the research and industrialization on lithium-ion battery have been conducted to develop products such as for electric vehicles and street lighting. On the other hand, the relationship between suppliers, producers, distribution channels, and consumers has not been mapped. This mapping is intended to provide an overview of the strength of suppliers, involved manufacturers, and to determine the readiness of the value chain of lithium-ion battery to perform mass production. The approach in the mapping uses primary data and secondary data for the initial stage of inbound flows in supply chain of lithium-ion industry in Indonesia. Primary data are obtained from the questionnaires, which adopted from the value chain lithium-ion battery research in USA adjusted for Indonesian context. Meanwhile, the secondary data derived from literature reviews. The respondents in the study are 11 institutions consisting of manufacturers and R&D of lithium-ion battery in Indonesia. The results obtained are supplier mapping that provides the flow of lithium-ion battery, cell, module, and pack as well as the producers and consumers. The results could also be utilized to identify the valuable metrics in the supply chain of lithium battery industry.
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Optimization of Bus Body Frame Structure for Weight Minimizing with Constraint of Natural Frequency using Adaptive Single-Objective Method

Ismoyo Haryanto, Fuad Arief Raharjo, Ojo Kurdi, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi, Sigit Puji Santosa, Leonardo Gunawan

The objective of this work is to analyze and optimize a bus frame structure using Finite Element Method in dynamic conditions. The bus body geometry was obtained directly from the three-dimensional Computer-Aided Design files. The optimization was conducted to determine the minimum weight of the bus frame structure without violating the specified natural frequency constraints. The design variable is the thickness of the bus body frame. In present study, Adaptive Single Objective method was chosen as an optimizer method. The results show that the structural weight of the bus frame can be reduced about 8% without changing its dynamic characteristic.
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Supplier Selection Model of the Lithium-ion Battery using Fuzzy AHP and Analysis of BOCR

Ari Wardayanti, Roni Zakaria, Wahyudi Sutopo, Bendjamin Benny Louhenapessy

Although the demand for the lithium-ion battery for electronic consumers and electric vehicles in Indonesia is high, there is no supplier coming from the local manufacturer. The proper selection of suppliers is required by some lithium-ion battery manufacturers (cells, modules, and packs), and Research and Development (R&D) center of the lithium-ion battery with the consideration not only in benefits and cost but also in opportunities and risks. It is important that experts assist the manufacturers and R&D to procure the lithium-ion (materials and cells), through transparent methods that seek a quantitative model to select the right supplier. The main objective of this study is to propose an analytical approach to select suppliers which incorporate Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks (BOCR) concept that comply with the characteristics of the lithium-ion battery industries. A fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model is developed by accommodating the vagueness and inaccuracies of expert elections. The result of this research is development of the model obtained from 2 questionnaires given to the expert. Questionnaire 1 was made for the determination of criteria and sub-criteria, while Questionnaire 2 aims to perform pairwise comparisons of existing criteria and sub-criteria. In the selection of the lithium-ion battery suppliers, there are 11 criteria and 40 sub-criteria which are considered. Those criteria are divided into 4 merits and known for their respective global priorities.
Issue is not available in this Volume
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Battery Cells for Electric Vehicles

Putri Nur Halimah, Samuel Rahardian, Bentang Arief Budiman

The shifting trend of conventional to the electric drivetrain in automotive industries makes batteries become the most favorable energy storage. There are three types of battery cells that are commonly used for electric vehicles i.e., cylindrical cells, pouch cells, and prismatic cells. The use of active material such as lithium-ion in the battery of electric vehicles could bring some issues related to the safety field. For that reason, comprehensive research on battery failure analysis needs to be conducted. This paper reviews the recent progress of the use of battery cells in electric vehicles and some challenges which must be considered to assure their safety. There are a lot of studies on battery failure analysis, which mainly focuses on the appearance of a short circuit as the main cause of the thermal runaway event. Several proposals on predicting short circuits in the battery due to various loading are comprehensively discussed. Those research results can be considered to establish regulations in designing battery protectors.
review article

Transportation System Development and Challenge in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia

Muhammad Farda, Harun al-Rasyid Lubis

Jakarta Metropolitan Area has been facing problem in terms of congestion and its chain effect, namely time value loss, high fuel consumption, and high greenhouse gas emission. The problem is caused by many factors, namely high population, high use of the private vehicle, inadequate current public transport supply, urban sprawling, etc. The government, both City and National Government has been formulating and implementing a plan to develop sustainable transportation that serves the citizen of Jakarta Metropolitan Area. This included the operation of Jakarta Bus Rapid Transit, KRL Commuter Line and Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit. In the near future, both inner city and metropolitan light rapid transit will also operate in this area. This paper reviews the development and challenge of the transportation system in Jakarta Metropolitan Area and proposes a recommendation to optimize the current transport system. In general, there are three components that should be considered to achieve sustainable transportation. Those components are i) strong transport authority, ii) integrated master plan, iii) Sustainable Resources, Funding, and Financing.
review article

A Critical Review on Lightweight Design of Battery Pack Enclosure for Electric Vehicles

Ashvin Dhoke, Amol Dalavi

An electric vehicle battery pack which is a gathering of battery modules which subsequently comprised of the battery cell is a primary source of control transmission for an Electric Vehicle (EV). The inappropriate design of the battery enclosure will cause many genuine issues, such as cracking, causing noise, or battery harm. At the same time, the weight of the battery enclosure is huge; in order to get better the driving range of the electric vehicle and diminish the influence of the battery on the vehicle dynamic performance and acceleration performance, it is essential to carry out the lightweight design of the battery enclosure. This paper reviews the multi-material battery enclosure design optimization, the multi- technologies, and a proficient Battery Management System (BMS) for compact battery pack design used to lightweight battery pack enclosure design; the multi-objective optimization approach for distinctive parameters of battery pack enclosure design optimization by diverse manufacturing techniques.
review article

A Case Study of a 15-Minute City Concept in Singapore’s 2040 Land Transport Master Plan: 20-Minute Towns and a 45-Minute City

Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, Jin Young Park

The 15-Minute city concept emerged as a response to the hyper-motorized city. First popularized by the Mayor of Paris in 2020, 15-Minute City is an evolving concept that derived from its predecessors such as neighborhood-unit planning and walkable city. This paper explores the implementation of the 15-Minute City concept in city planning by using Singapore as the case study. In 2018, Singapore released its Land Transport Master Plan 2040 and which includes an ambitious concept of 20-Minute Towns and a 45-Minute City (2MT45MC) and has similar ideas to the 15-Minute City concept. Through various journal articles and media coverage, Singapore’s policy and regulation regarding its transport planning were thoroughly reviewed to find Singapore’s strategy and challenges in realizing the objective of its 2MT45MC concept. Normalizing active mobility and enhancing connectivity nationwide are the main strategies to overcome the biggest challenges faced: lack of legal backing in personal mobility devices and the country’s rigid zoning. Even though it is too early to say whether 2MT45MC is achievable or not, projects such as the North-South Corridor show that for a long-term plan, it seems feasible.
original research article

Design and Simulation of Two-Wheeled Balancing Mobile Robot with PID Controller

Vicky Mudeng, Barokatun Hassanah, Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Okcy Saputra

Mobile transportation robots using two wheels have now been investigated. The work within this study is to design and simulate two-wheeled robots, thus it can maintain its balance. Many control methods are used to determine satisfactory control optimization, therefore a proper response is obtained by sensor recitation corresponding with the reaction of a Direct Current (DC) motor. Recently, two-wheeled transportation robot is a Segway model. In this study, we apply a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller as a control system in a self-balancing robot with a working principle is similar to an inverted pendulum. In the next study, the PID controller and the whole system are applied in the microcontroller board. The angular velocity of two DC motors used as a plant can be adjusted by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) through a motor driver. An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is utilized to detect the angular acceleration and angular velocity of the self-balancing robot. The phase design is constructed by planning the robot dimension, mechanical system, and an electronic system. Particularly, this study performs mathematical modeling of the robot system to obtain the transfer function. In addition, we simulate the PID parameter with multiplication between the basic parameter and several fixed constants. The simulation results indicate that the robot can maintain its balance and remains perpendicularly stable for balancing itself.
original research article

Highway Failure and Their Maintenance: A Study of Rajshahi Metropolitan City, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Mehedi Hasan, Mohd. Abdus Sobhan

Total length of paved road in Rajshahi City is about 186.64 km (2011 census). It shows that about 23% of total road lengths are present in failure condition. This study shows an investigation to compute the flexible pavement’s failure types, to define and identify the causes, and select the best maintenance for that failures of flexible pavement within Rajshahi City. There are many types of failures occur on the roads such as different types of cracks, potholes, raveling, water bleeding, corrugation and shoving, depression, and rutting. The possible causes of flexible pavement failures are improper bituminous mixes with poor quality of materials, heavy traffic loads, heavy rainfall, and bad drainage on pavement. The failures are gradually raised due to lack of proper planning, inspection, and treatment. These failures create different types of disadvantages like traffic jam, discomfort to the passengers as well as drivers, increasing vehicle operating, maintenance cost, etc. This study proves that the authorities practice maintenance procedures to repair the failures of pavement which are about 60% similar to the conventional road maintenance procedures. The authorities as Roads and Highway Department and Rajshahi City Corporation are suggested to do maintenance according to the requirements of urgent maintenance and availability of fund which is found in this investigation.
original research article

Structural Design and Analysis of Electric Car Engine Mount

I Nyoman Adhywinaya, Bentang Arief Budiman

In this paper, the analysis of engine mounting structures that will be applied to electric vehicles is conducted. The engine mounting structure will be subjected to static loading from the mounted components assembly, including the assembly of the gearbox, electric motor, and corresponding brackets. In the structure arrangement, HSLA material is mostly used and general structural steel such as AISI 4130 is also used. This study aims to evaluate the existing design so that further optimization steps can be carried out. Simulations and analysis with a static approach were performed using SOLIDWORKS. The stress and displacement contours are then created, and the location of the critical points of maximum stress and maximum deflection can be obtained so that the safety factor of the design can be evaluated. Based on the simulation results, the current safety factor value is very high when compared to using materials with lower physical properties. In addition, it is necessary to develop further studies involving dynamic loading so that it can also be considered to reduce production costs and increase production efficiency.
review article

On the Lightweight Structural Design for Electric Road and Railway Vehicles using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites–A Review

Faizal Arifurrahman, Bentang Arief Budiman, Muhammad Aziz

The main challenging issues of vehicles with electric propulsion are on the limited energy source due to relatively low battery capacity and low excitation of power traction. They can be tackled down by designing lightweight structures for frameworks and bodies of the vehicles. Composite materials which have a high strength to weight ratio are the best choice for designing and manufacturing the lightweight structures. A review of recent progress in utilization of the composite materials for electric vehicle structures is presented. It focuses on how the structures can support the electric vehicles to compete with internal combustion engine vehicles regarding their performance on the road. The utilization of composite material for structures of railway vehicles is also summarized. Furthermore, discussions are extended to the key technologies required for applying the composite materials in Indonesia such as composite–metal joint technology, fiber and matrix production technology, and numerical analysis competency for modeling the composite.
original research article

Study of Public Transport Development in South Bali Districts: Potential Public Transport Mode

Adni Bidari Putri, Muhammad Farda, Sigit Puji Santosa, Puspita Dirgahayani, Putu Alit Suthanaya, I Gusti Ayu Andani, Hansen Sutanto, Laily Rochmatul Charky, Nunuj Nurjanah

Bali Province in Indonesia is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. The number of tourists visiting this province keeps increasing year by year parallel with the increase of the population of local citizens. Such a phenomenon will certainly increase travel demand and put pressure on the current transport infrastructure. Hence, transport infrastructure development is essential to support the travel demand. This study explores the possibility of implementing a new public transport system in the South Bali District, a district with numerous tourist attractions and activity centres. Data collection on the current transport system and land use in the district were carried out to understand potential corridors for public transport. A stated preference survey was also conducted to discover the public transport mode preferred by the respondents, encompassing tourists and local citizens. This study then recommends the type of public transport mode to be implemented in the district based on i) space availability, ii) respondent preference, and iii) ability to accommodate demand based on calculation. The study concludes that Automated Rapid Transit (ART) is a mode that has the highest potential to be implemented in South Bali Districts.
original research article

Rest Area Development in Central Java (Case Study: Rest Area on Semarang–Solo Toll Road)

Edy Darmawan, Suzanna Ratih Sari, Hermin Werdiningsih, Adhisti Samsinar Enis

The construction of the road network is carried out to support the growth and acceleration of the economic process and the development of the tourism industry. It is also projected to improve the socio-economic conditions of the community. In the last few years, the Central Java Government has built toll roads to connect several cities in Central Java in one fast lane. However, it was not followed by the construction of supporting facilities such as rest area that serves a place to rest for motorists when they experience fatigue during long trips. The existence of the place is still limited, and it was not evenly distributed along the toll road, causing long queues at the entrance of some rest area when the volume of the vehicles is overflow. Based on these problems, the purpose of this research is to study and develop the requirement of rest area that can meet the needs of motorists traveling through the toll roads in Central Java. To achieve these objectives, this research used a qualitative descriptive method to describe and explain the problems in the field, and further analyze them to get a comprehensive result. The result of this research is presented in the form of published research reports and scientific articles. It is expected to provide benefits to the relevant scientific field, especially those related to architecture in developing rest areas that suit the needs of road users.
review article

Muhammad Farda, Harun al-Rasyid Lubis

Jakarta Metropolitan Area has been facing problem in terms of congestion and its chain effect, namely time value loss, high fuel consumption, and high greenhouse gas emission. The problem is caused by many factors, namely high population, high use of the private vehicle, inadequate current public transport supply, urban sprawling, etc. The government, both City and National Government has been formulating and implementing a plan to develop sustainable transportation that serves the citizen of Jakarta Metropolitan Area. This included the operation of Jakarta Bus Rapid Transit, KRL Commuter Line and Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit. In the near future, both inner city and metropolitan light rapid transit will also operate in this area. This paper reviews the development and challenge of the transportation system in Jakarta Metropolitan Area and proposes a recommendation to optimize the current transport system. In general, there are three components that should be considered to achieve sustainable transportation. Those components are i) strong transport authority, ii) integrated master plan, iii) Sustainable Resources, Funding, and Financing.
review article

Putri Nur Halimah, Samuel Rahardian, Bentang Arief Budiman

The shifting trend of conventional to the electric drivetrain in automotive industries makes batteries become the most favorable energy storage. There are three types of battery cells that are commonly used for electric vehicles i.e., cylindrical cells, pouch cells, and prismatic cells. The use of active material such as lithium-ion in the battery of electric vehicles could bring some issues related to the safety field. For that reason, comprehensive research on battery failure analysis needs to be conducted. This paper reviews the recent progress of the use of battery cells in electric vehicles and some challenges which must be considered to assure their safety. There are a lot of studies on battery failure analysis, which mainly focuses on the appearance of a short circuit as the main cause of the thermal runaway event. Several proposals on predicting short circuits in the battery due to various loading are comprehensively discussed. Those research results can be considered to establish regulations in designing battery protectors.
review article

Faizal Arifurrahman, Bentang Arief Budiman, Muhammad Aziz

The main challenging issues of vehicles with electric propulsion are on the limited energy source due to relatively low battery capacity and low excitation of power traction. They can be tackled down by designing lightweight structures for frameworks and bodies of the vehicles. Composite materials which have a high strength to weight ratio are the best choice for designing and manufacturing the lightweight structures. A review of recent progress in utilization of the composite materials for electric vehicle structures is presented. It focuses on how the structures can support the electric vehicles to compete with internal combustion engine vehicles regarding their performance on the road. The utilization of composite material for structures of railway vehicles is also summarized. Furthermore, discussions are extended to the key technologies required for applying the composite materials in Indonesia such as composite–metal joint technology, fiber and matrix production technology, and numerical analysis competency for modeling the composite.
original research article

Siti Zulaikah, Wahyu Haykal Rahmanda, Farid Triawan

Nowadays, motorcycle is considered as one of the most practical transportation mode in Indonesia. It has become a common practice that a motorcycle rider often brings a small child using a child seat while riding. However, the used child seat is usually not safe and can easily fall off from the motorcycle due to the lack of safety consideration. Moreover, it is very risky to ride a motorcycle with a small child, knowing that motorcycles are the highest contributor to road traffic accidents. For this reason, this paper proposes a primary design idea of a foldable child safety-seat that can be placed on the front part of a scooter motorcycle. This design is also completed with strength analysis to evaluate the components’ safety for children under five years old with a weight of around 50 kg. The strength calculation of the frame is done by a theoretical approach under static and dynamic loading. According to the analysis, the proposed child seat design could provide a factor of safety of more than 3.6 for static loading and 1.6 for dynamic loading. This study is expected to be used as a reference for developing a more reliable child safety- seat for motorcycle rider in Indonesia.
review article

Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, Jin Young Park

The 15-Minute city concept emerged as a response to the hyper-motorized city. First popularized by the Mayor of Paris in 2020, 15-Minute City is an evolving concept that derived from its predecessors such as neighborhood-unit planning and walkable city. This paper explores the implementation of the 15-Minute City concept in city planning by using Singapore as the case study. In 2018, Singapore released its Land Transport Master Plan 2040 and which includes an ambitious concept of 20-Minute Towns and a 45-Minute City (2MT45MC) and has similar ideas to the 15-Minute City concept. Through various journal articles and media coverage, Singapore’s policy and regulation regarding its transport planning were thoroughly reviewed to find Singapore’s strategy and challenges in realizing the objective of its 2MT45MC concept. Normalizing active mobility and enhancing connectivity nationwide are the main strategies to overcome the biggest challenges faced: lack of legal backing in personal mobility devices and the country’s rigid zoning. Even though it is too early to say whether 2MT45MC is achievable or not, projects such as the North-South Corridor show that for a long-term plan, it seems feasible.
original research article

Vicky Mudeng, Barokatun Hassanah, Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Okcy Saputra

Mobile transportation robots using two wheels have now been investigated. The work within this study is to design and simulate two-wheeled robots, thus it can maintain its balance. Many control methods are used to determine satisfactory control optimization, therefore a proper response is obtained by sensor recitation corresponding with the reaction of a Direct Current (DC) motor. Recently, two-wheeled transportation robot is a Segway model. In this study, we apply a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller as a control system in a self-balancing robot with a working principle is similar to an inverted pendulum. In the next study, the PID controller and the whole system are applied in the microcontroller board. The angular velocity of two DC motors used as a plant can be adjusted by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) through a motor driver. An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is utilized to detect the angular acceleration and angular velocity of the self-balancing robot. The phase design is constructed by planning the robot dimension, mechanical system, and an electronic system. Particularly, this study performs mathematical modeling of the robot system to obtain the transfer function. In addition, we simulate the PID parameter with multiplication between the basic parameter and several fixed constants. The simulation results indicate that the robot can maintain its balance and remains perpendicularly stable for balancing itself.
original research article

Ismoyo Haryanto, Fuad Arief Raharjo, Ojo Kurdi, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi, Sigit Puji Santosa, Leonardo Gunawan

The objective of this work is to analyze and optimize a bus frame structure using Finite Element Method in dynamic conditions. The bus body geometry was obtained directly from the three-dimensional Computer-Aided Design files. The optimization was conducted to determine the minimum weight of the bus frame structure without violating the specified natural frequency constraints. The design variable is the thickness of the bus body frame. In present study, Adaptive Single Objective method was chosen as an optimizer method. The results show that the structural weight of the bus frame can be reduced about 8% without changing its dynamic characteristic.
review article

Dedi Rohendi, Dea Radestia Rahmah, Dwi Hawa Yulianti, Icha Amelia, Nyimas Febrika Sya'baniah, Nirwan Syarif, Addy Rachmat

Hydrogen gas is an energy carrier that has many advantages, including energy density for high mass and environmentally friendly. Hydrogen can be produced from various sources by numerous methods. Hydrogen production from renewable sources is interesting, due to the sustainable and inexpensive supply of the raw materials. Among the sources of renewable raw materials for hydrogen production are water and biomass with various production methods. It consists of the electrolysis of water with acidic and basic conditions, as well as thermochemical and biochemical biomass conversion.
original research article

Ari Wardayanti, Roni Zakaria, Wahyudi Sutopo, Bendjamin Benny Louhenapessy

Although the demand for the lithium-ion battery for electronic consumers and electric vehicles in Indonesia is high, there is no supplier coming from the local manufacturer. The proper selection of suppliers is required by some lithium-ion battery manufacturers (cells, modules, and packs), and Research and Development (R&D) center of the lithium-ion battery with the consideration not only in benefits and cost but also in opportunities and risks. It is important that experts assist the manufacturers and R&D to procure the lithium-ion (materials and cells), through transparent methods that seek a quantitative model to select the right supplier. The main objective of this study is to propose an analytical approach to select suppliers which incorporate Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks (BOCR) concept that comply with the characteristics of the lithium-ion battery industries. A fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model is developed by accommodating the vagueness and inaccuracies of expert elections. The result of this research is development of the model obtained from 2 questionnaires given to the expert. Questionnaire 1 was made for the determination of criteria and sub-criteria, while Questionnaire 2 aims to perform pairwise comparisons of existing criteria and sub-criteria. In the selection of the lithium-ion battery suppliers, there are 11 criteria and 40 sub-criteria which are considered. Those criteria are divided into 4 merits and known for their respective global priorities.
original research article

Farid Triawan, Geraldy Cahya Denatra, Djati Wibowo Djamari

The study of a thin-walled column structure has gained much attention due to its potential in many engineering applications, such as the crash box of a car. A thin-walled square column usually exhibits high initial peak force, which may become very dangerous to the driver or passenger. To address this issue, introducing some shape patterns, e.g., origami folding pattern, to the column may become a solution. The present work investigates the compressive properties and behavior of a square box column structure which adopts the Miura origami folding pattern. Several test pieces of single-cell Miura origami column with varying folding angle and layer height are fabricated by a 3D printer. The filament is made of Polylactic Acid (PLA), which is a brittle material. Then, compression tests are carried out to understand its compressive mechanical properties and behavior. The results show that introducing a Miura origami pattern to form a thin-walled square column can dramatically lower down the initial peak stress by 96.82% and, at the same time, increase its ductility, which eventually improves the energy absorption capacity by 61.68% despite the brittle fracture behavior.

Editor in Chief

Dr. Ir. Agus Purwadi MT

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia sc-logo

Editorial Advisory Board

Prof. Muhammad Aziz

University of Tokyo, Japan sc-logo

Dr. Fauzan Adziman

University of Oxford, United Kingdom sc-logo

Dimas Bayu Endrayana Dharmowijoyo, Ph.D.

Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia sc-logo

Prof. Yul Yunazwin

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia sc-logo

Prof. Muhammad Nizam

Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia sc-logo

Prof. Dr. Joni Arliansyah

Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia sc-logo

Ir. Sigit Puji Santosa, MSME, Sc.D.

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia sc-logo

Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia sc-logo

Dr. Joga Dharma

Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia sc-logo

Dr. –Ing. Ismoyo Haryanto

Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia sc-logo

Dr. Mohammad Muntaha

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia sc-logo

Semuel Y. R. Rompis, Ph.D.

Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia sc-logo

Dr. –Ing. Puguh B Prakoso

Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Indonesia sc-logo

Associate Editor

Dr. Eng. Bentang Arief Budiman

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia sc-logo

Editorial Assistant

Dita Novizayanti, MSM

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia sc-logo

Aghnia Nadhira A. Putri, MSM

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

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Duties of Authors

  • Reporting standards

    Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed and an objective discussion of its significance. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the paper. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable
  • Data Access and Retention

    Authors are asked to provide the raw data in connection with a paper for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data (consistent with the ALPSP-STM Statement on Data and Databases), if practicable, and should, in any event, be prepared to retain such data for a reasonable time after publication.
  • Originality and Plagiarism

    The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original actions and if the authors have used the works or words of others that this has appropriately cited or quoted.
  • Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

    An author should not, in general, publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same paper concurrently to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
  • Acknowledgement of Sources

    Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work.
  • Authorship of the Paper

    Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the paper and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and have agreed to its submission for publication.
  • Fundamental errors in published works

    When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author's obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the Editor to retract or correct the paper.
  • Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

    Authors must declare any potential conflict of interest in the statement of conflict of interest. Full disclosure is required for the journal editor team to inform their editorial decisions. Additionally, authors must fully acknowledge all funding sources, including research funding, direct or indirect financial support, the supply of equipment or materials, etc. which support the work

Plagiarism Check

All work in the manuscript should be avoided of any plagiarism, falsification, fabrications, or omission of significant material.

Authors are expected to explicitly cite others' work and ideas, even if the work or ideas are not quoted verbatim or paraphrased. This standard applies whether the previous work is published, unpublished, or electronically available. Failure to properly cite the work of others may constitute plagiarism. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Plagiarism screening will be conducted by IJSTT Editorial Board using Grammarly® Plagiarism Checker and Plagiarisma.net plagiarism screening service.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

The article will be published online after the editing process. All publication service is sponsored by National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology (NCSTT). Thus, this journal does not charge article processing charges (APCs) and submission charges.

Open Access Policy

All articles published in IJSTT provide immediate open access to the full-text articles online. Open access means making all articles freely available via the internet, giving permission for any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of the articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any lawful purpose without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited. Open Access Policy is adapted by IJSTT to aim a great global exchange of knowledge. These definitions are taken from the Budapest Open Access Initiative's definition of Open Access.


International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology (IJSTT) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Authors submitting an article to IJSTT must agree that the article, if editorially accepted for publication, shall be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International, of which CC BY-ND 4.0, was developed to facilitate open access.

In the following, we provide the licenses' summaries as they can be found on the Creative Commons website. The Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International provides the following summary (where 'you' equals 'the user'):

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Attribution—You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

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