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ISSN 2620-4754 (Online)
ISSN 2655-7975 (Print)
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This journal seeks articles related to the transportation and infrastructure technology. Its scope will include the following topics (but not limited to):
and such other topics as the Editors may deem appropriate. Articles need to make a significant contribution to the theoretical and or methodological literature on the subject and contain a strong knowledge component.
IJSTT welcomes submissions of the following article types: Short communication paper (Letters), Technical Paper, Original Research Paper and Topical Reviews.
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Budi Heryadi, Afrianto Afrianto, Dyah Kusuma Dewi, Tommy Wiranata, Hafiz Abdul Rahman, Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, Zainal Abidin
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Intan K Kushairi, Mokhtar Awang, Aidil Ab Rahman, Ichsan S Putra, Iman Kartolaksono
Alif Rizqullah Mahdi, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Miranti Indar Mandasari
Towhidul Islam, Shakik Ahnaf, Md. Muntashir Mamun, Abu Saleh Muhammad Musa
Putu Handre Kertha Utama, Irsyad Nashirul Haq, Edi Leksono, Muhammad Iqbal Juristian, Ghulam Azka Alim, Justin Pradipta
Vincent Wibisono, The Jaya Suteja, Hudiyo Firmanto
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Asep Indra Komara, Bagus Budiwantoro, Rachman Setiawan
Yohanes Gunawan, Nina Konitat Supriatna, Arfie Ikhsan Firmansyah, Slamet Slamet, Nanda Avianto Wicaksono, Khalif Ahadi, Naufal Rizqi Fadhilah
Yolanda Tania Mulyadi, M Rifqi Rafian Putra, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Miranti Indar Mandasari
Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Siti Nur Hofifah, Risti Ragadhita, Meli Fiandini, Dwi Novia Al Husaeni, Rina Maryanti
Gowhar Ahmad Wani, V Nagaraj
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I Nyoman Adhywinaya, Bentang Arief Budiman
Muhammad Rizalul Wahid, Diky Zakaria, Elysa Nensy Irawan, Endra Joelianto
Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, Sarid Mejiartono, Agung Wibowo
Sahar Deni, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto
Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, Jin Young Park
Article is not available
Vania Katherine Mulia, Fitri Endrasari, Djati Wibowo, Ibham Veza
Rina Maryanti
Farid Triawan, Putri Angelica, Desinta Dewi Ramadani, Pusva Juliana
Ashvin Dhoke, Amol Dalavi
Fatih Izzul Haq, Muhammad Aldin Nur Zein, Rachel Gabriella, Silmi Ridwan Putri, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Tedi Kurniawan
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Dita Novizayanti, Eko Agus Prasetio
Muhammad Aldin Nur Zen, Fatih Izzul Haq, Rachel Gabriella, Silmi Ridwan Putri, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, Tedi Kurniawan
Ismoyo Haryanto, Achmad Widodo, Ibrahim Satya, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi, Ojo Kurdi, Bentang Arief Budiman, Sigit Puji Santosa
Adni Bidari Putri, Muhammad Farda, Sigit Puji Santosa, Puspita Dirgahayani, Putu Alit Suthanaya, I Gusti Ayu Andani, Hansen Sutanto, Laily Rochmatul Charky, Nunuj Nurjanah
Edy Darmawan, Suzanna Ratih Sari, Hermin Werdiningsih, Adhisti Samsinar Enis
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Farid Triawan, Geraldy Cahya Denatra, Djati Wibowo Djamari
Fadillah Adamsyah Ma'ani, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin
Slamet Priyono, Lufthansyah Daniswara, Rahma Alfia Khoiri, Yayuk Astuti
Mehedi Hasan, Mohd. Abdus Sobhan
Siti Zulaikah, Wahyu Haykal Rahmanda, Farid Triawan
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Lisna Rahayu, Desiree Marlyn Kipuw
Metha Islameka, Christopher Fernaldy Kusuma, Bentang Arief Budiman
Vicky Mudeng, Barokatun Hassanah, Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Okcy Saputra
Evelyn Evelyn, Abd. Rashid Abd. Aziz, Poetro Lebdo Sambegoro
Andrean Maulana, Muhammad Farda
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Nirwan Syarif, Dedi Rohendi, Sri Haryati, Claudia Kartika Sari Dewi
Nirwan Syarif, Dedi Rohendi, Nyimas Febrika Sya'baniah
Putri Nur Halimah, Samuel Rahardian, Bentang Arief Budiman
Aji Masa'id, Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Bhre Wangsa Lenggana, Nurul Muhayat, Wibowo Wibowo, Saiful Amri Mazlan
Joni Arliansyah
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Nirwan Syarif, Dedi Rohendi, Wulandari Sudarsono, Wai Yin Wong
Stepan Pance, Daniel Piskac, Adam Bures, Antonin Voldrich, Maros Kovac, Bentang Arief Budiman
Semuel Y. R. Rompis, Filmon G Habtemichael
Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas, Russ Bona Frazila, Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, Widyarini Weningtyas, Muhammad Farda
Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Vicky Mudeng, Muhammad Robith
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Dedi Rohendi, Dea Radestia Rahmah, Dwi Hawa Yulianti, Icha Amelia, Nyimas Febrika Sya'baniah, Nirwan Syarif, Addy Rachmat
Jihad Furqani, Agus Purwadi
Norhiwani Hapipi, Saiful Amri Mazlan, Siti Aishah Abdul Aziz, Ubaidillah Ubaidillah, Norzilawati Mohamad, Izyan Iryani Mohamad Yazid, Seung-Bok Choi
Muhammad Farda, Harun al-Rasyid Lubis
Ismail Faruqi, Muhammad Brahma Waluya, Yul Yunazwin Nazaruddin, Tua Agustinus Tamba
Article is not available
Umar Sholahuddin, Agus Purwadi, Yanuarsyah Haroen
Faizal Arifurrahman, Bentang Arief Budiman, Muhammad Aziz
Wahyudi Sutopo, Roni Zakaria, Ari Wardayanti, Fakhrina Fahma
Ismoyo Haryanto, Fuad Arief Raharjo, Ojo Kurdi, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi, Sigit Puji Santosa, Leonardo Gunawan
Ari Wardayanti, Roni Zakaria, Wahyudi Sutopo, Bendjamin Benny Louhenapessy
Putri Nur Halimah, Samuel Rahardian, Bentang Arief Budiman
Muhammad Farda, Harun al-Rasyid Lubis
Ashvin Dhoke, Amol Dalavi
Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, Jin Young Park
Vicky Mudeng, Barokatun Hassanah, Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Okcy Saputra
Mehedi Hasan, Mohd. Abdus Sobhan
I Nyoman Adhywinaya, Bentang Arief Budiman
Faizal Arifurrahman, Bentang Arief Budiman, Muhammad Aziz
Adni Bidari Putri, Muhammad Farda, Sigit Puji Santosa, Puspita Dirgahayani, Putu Alit Suthanaya, I Gusti Ayu Andani, Hansen Sutanto, Laily Rochmatul Charky, Nunuj Nurjanah
Edy Darmawan, Suzanna Ratih Sari, Hermin Werdiningsih, Adhisti Samsinar Enis
Muhammad Farda, Harun al-Rasyid Lubis
Putri Nur Halimah, Samuel Rahardian, Bentang Arief Budiman
Faizal Arifurrahman, Bentang Arief Budiman, Muhammad Aziz
Siti Zulaikah, Wahyu Haykal Rahmanda, Farid Triawan
Odilia Renaningtyas Manifesty, Jin Young Park
Vicky Mudeng, Barokatun Hassanah, Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Okcy Saputra
Ismoyo Haryanto, Fuad Arief Raharjo, Ojo Kurdi, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi, Sigit Puji Santosa, Leonardo Gunawan
Dedi Rohendi, Dea Radestia Rahmah, Dwi Hawa Yulianti, Icha Amelia, Nyimas Febrika Sya'baniah, Nirwan Syarif, Addy Rachmat
Ari Wardayanti, Roni Zakaria, Wahyudi Sutopo, Bendjamin Benny Louhenapessy
Farid Triawan, Geraldy Cahya Denatra, Djati Wibowo Djamari
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This journal accepts original research articles, review articles, technical notes, and short communication articles.
Research articles: A research article is a primary source that describes the procedures and findings of an author-conducted study. The type of study may vary (it could have been an experiment, survey, interview, etc.), but the authors have always collected and evaluated raw data and produced conclusions based on that analysis.
Review articles: Only critical review articles that provide a unique viewpoint and critical evaluation of themes of interest to the general IJSTT readership will be considered. Not acceptable are manuscripts that merely summarize the existing state of knowledge. Review articles have a more flexible format and length than research articles.
Technical notes: Approximately 500-word scientific summaries/reports on new products/technologies pertinent to the subject of cleaner production. Illustrations are permitted, but company logos are not. Short communication articles: Short papers presenting original and significant material for rapid dissemination with 2,500 – 3,500 words and a maximum of 2 figures/ tables.
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