original research article
Endurance Testing of the Electric Vehicle that Converted from the Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle
Yohanes Gunawan, Nina Konitat Supriatna, Arfie Ikhsan Firmansyah, Slamet Slamet, Nanda Avianto Wicaksono, Khalif Ahadi, Naufal Rizqi Fadhilah
Pages 61-69
In Indonesia, to accelerate the use of electric vehicles (EVs), one of the programs to do is the conversion of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to EVs. This paper presents an overview of the endurance test for ICE vehicles that converted to EVs as far as 10,000 km to see their performance. We used three types of motorcycles, two types of batteries, and two types of passenger load. To get a distance of 10,000 km, the tested vehicle travels about 200 km on 4 different routes every day, where each route has different characteristics of road conditions. After getting the 10,000 km testing, all the types of the electric motor are in good condition and have no minor obstacles. Technically, several improvements need to be done to succeed this program, i.e., wiring and socket that are applied in this program need the waterproof wiring and socket, the converter part needs to be taken care of to avoid rust, and the placement of electrical components that have air conditioning fins (especially inverters) needs to be ensured that they will be exposed to air when the motor is used.