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  3. Volume 3, Issue 1

International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology

Volume 3, Issue 1

original research article

The Correlation between Toll Road Development and the Improvement of Local Economy (Case Study: The Soroja Toll Road)

Lisna Rahayu, Desiree Marlyn Kipuw

Pages 26-36

Most studies assume that road development will improve the economy in the region, as reflected by an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, GDP is macro in nature and tends to be biased if we ask who benefits from its increase. To identify whether road development has a positive correlation with the improvement of local economy, hence this study was conducted in a micro context by taking the development of the Soroja Toll Road in Indonesia as a case study. With a length of 10.57 km, connecting Bandung Regency and Bandung City, the newly constructed Soroja Toll Road has a strategic function in supporting activities in the Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) and is predicted giving implication on increasing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) profit surrounding its corridor. However, a toll road cannot entirely be seen as a public goods, because not all people have access to this type of infrastructure. Only the users of four-wheeled vehicles and those who can afford to pay the toll charge can access the toll road. This study was aimed at identifying the correlation between the developments of the Soroja Toll Road with the improvement of local economy (SMEs) in its surrounding areas. Based on the analysis result, this study indicates that the presence of the Soroja Toll Road had a bigger positive correlation with the increased profit of medium-sized industries than small-sized industries due to their ability to capture a broader market.
original research article

Influence of Braking Strategies for Electric Trike Energy Consumption

Metha Islameka, Christopher Fernaldy Kusuma, Bentang Arief Budiman

Pages 20-25

This research aims to investigate the effect of applying braking strategies to the energy consumption of electric trike (e-trike). E-trike is a three-wheeled vehicle that is designed for goods delivery. A simulation is carried out to find the specific electric energy consumption in terms of km/kWh. The simulation is conducted by developing an energy consumption model using Matlab/Simulink software. The input data used in the simulation is obtained from the e-trike specification designed by Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) researchers. The output is the battery State of Charge (SOC) and energy required for the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) driving cycle. Four different braking strategies are implemented in the simulation, namely full mechanical braking, serial regenerative braking, parallel regenerative braking, and modified braking strategies. The simulation results show that by applying the modified braking strategy, greater savings of energy can be achieved. Full mechanical braking strategy can achieve energy savings of 19.2 km/kWh whereas the modified braking strategy generates 20 km/kWh. These results indicate that the application of modified braking strategies can significantly increase the e-trike mileage.
original research article

Design and Simulation of Two-Wheeled Balancing Mobile Robot with PID Controller

Vicky Mudeng, Barokatun Hassanah, Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Okcy Saputra

Pages 12-19

Mobile transportation robots using two wheels have now been investigated. The work within this study is to design and simulate two-wheeled robots, thus it can maintain its balance. Many control methods are used to determine satisfactory control optimization, therefore a proper response is obtained by sensor recitation corresponding with the reaction of a Direct Current (DC) motor. Recently, two-wheeled transportation robot is a Segway model. In this study, we apply a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller as a control system in a self-balancing robot with a working principle is similar to an inverted pendulum. In the next study, the PID controller and the whole system are applied in the microcontroller board. The angular velocity of two DC motors used as a plant can be adjusted by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) through a motor driver. An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensor is utilized to detect the angular acceleration and angular velocity of the self-balancing robot. The phase design is constructed by planning the robot dimension, mechanical system, and an electronic system. Particularly, this study performs mathematical modeling of the robot system to obtain the transfer function. In addition, we simulate the PID parameter with multiplication between the basic parameter and several fixed constants. The simulation results indicate that the robot can maintain its balance and remains perpendicularly stable for balancing itself.
review article

A Review of Range Extender Technologies in Electric Vehicles

Evelyn Evelyn, Abd. Rashid Abd. Aziz, Poetro Lebdo Sambegoro

Pages 7-11

With the increasing global concern on negative environmental effect from the transportation sector, conventional automobile technologies will not be viable for much longer. Countries like the EU and China have introduced emission related regulations which are stricter than ever. This has compelled automotive manufacturer to turn to Electric Vehicles (EV) as the most effective solution to this issue. There are mainly two types of EV, namely Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). Both has its own strength and shortcomings, BEV with zero emission but limited range while HEV has better range at the expense of higher emission. Extended Range Electric Vehicle (EREV) provides a midpoint between these options. This option provides the best of both worlds by allowing users to switch between both systems depending on the vehicle’s operating condition. This paper aims to presents a variety of Range Extender (RE) configurations based on its working principle and type of fuel used. Internal combustion engine, fuel cell, and microturbine are what RE is commonly powered by. The advantages and disadvantages are evaluated and compared to determine the optimal option. It was concluded that depending on fuel availability, space, and efficiency requirement, each configuration has its own merit.
original research article

Improving the Accessibility of the West Java Southern Area through Collector Road Widening

Andrean Maulana, Muhammad Farda

Pages 1-6

This study assesses the impact of the road segment widening in the southern area of West Java Island. The resulting network performance is measured by volume capacity ratio, network average speed, aggregate travel distance and time. The network 4-step modeling approach was used for the analysis and data on traffic counts and average speed are used to validate the model. The study proceeds two scenarios for the analysis, namely the do-nothing scenario, in which no road widening occurs, and the do-something scenario where the road widening is carried out. The result shows that widening the road segments will contribute to improving accessibility in the area, which is reflected by lower volume capacity ratio and higher average network speed. This study also triggers a research question on alternative transport modes to improve accessibility in the southern area of West Java.