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International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology

Keyword: Public transport

review article

Transportation System Development and Challenge in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, Indonesia

Muhammad Farda, Harun al-Rasyid Lubis

Pages 42-50

Jakarta Metropolitan Area has been facing problem in terms of congestion and its chain effect, namely time value loss, high fuel consumption, and high greenhouse gas emission. The problem is caused by many factors, namely high population, high use of the private vehicle, inadequate current public transport supply, urban sprawling, etc. The government, both City and National Government has been formulating and implementing a plan to develop sustainable transportation that serves the citizen of Jakarta Metropolitan Area. This included the operation of Jakarta Bus Rapid Transit, KRL Commuter Line and Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit. In the near future, both inner city and metropolitan light rapid transit will also operate in this area. This paper reviews the development and challenge of the transportation system in Jakarta Metropolitan Area and proposes a recommendation to optimize the current transport system. In general, there are three components that should be considered to achieve sustainable transportation. Those components are i) strong transport authority, ii) integrated master plan, iii) Sustainable Resources, Funding, and Financing.
original research article

Study of Public Transport Development in South Bali Districts: Potential Public Transport Mode

Adni Bidari Putri, Muhammad Farda, Sigit Puji Santosa, Puspita Dirgahayani, Putu Alit Suthanaya, I Gusti Ayu Andani, Hansen Sutanto, Laily Rochmatul Charky, Nunuj Nurjanah

Pages 9-21

Bali Province in Indonesia is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. The number of tourists visiting this province keeps increasing year by year parallel with the increase of the population of local citizens. Such a phenomenon will certainly increase travel demand and put pressure on the current transport infrastructure. Hence, transport infrastructure development is essential to support the travel demand. This study explores the possibility of implementing a new public transport system in the South Bali District, a district with numerous tourist attractions and activity centres. Data collection on the current transport system and land use in the district were carried out to understand potential corridors for public transport. A stated preference survey was also conducted to discover the public transport mode preferred by the respondents, encompassing tourists and local citizens. This study then recommends the type of public transport mode to be implemented in the district based on i) space availability, ii) respondent preference, and iii) ability to accommodate demand based on calculation. The study concludes that Automated Rapid Transit (ART) is a mode that has the highest potential to be implemented in South Bali Districts.
original research article

Parametric Study of Factors Affecting Lateral Stability of a Public Transportation Vehicle

Vania Katherine Mulia, Fitri Endrasari, Djati Wibowo, Ibham Veza

Pages 79-86

The availability of public transport is one of the solutions to traffic congestion in Jakarta. Focusing on angkot, one of the public transport types in Jakarta, this study discusses a model and simulations to investigate several factors that affect its lateral stability. Those factors include rear tire inflation pressure, passenger configuration, velocity, and downhill inclination angle. The results show that the stability of an angkot is proportional to the rear tires cornering stiffness. It also has an indirect relationship with the passenger configuration within the angkot. Moreover, the stability of an angkot decreases as its velocity and the angle of the inclined road increase. In general, this study is expected to have a contribution to the development of public transport in Jakarta, especially angkot.