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original research article

Thermomechanical Modeling of an Exhaust Manifold

Intan K Kushairi 1 , Mokhtar Awang 1 * , Aidil Ab Rahman 1 , Ichsan S Putra 2 , Iman Kartolaksono 2

1Institute of Transport Infrastructure, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia

2National Center for Sustainable Transportation Technology, CRCS Building, 2nd Floor, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

*Email: mokhtar_awang@utp.edu.my
The commonly used form of transportation mostly relies on-road vehicles nowadays. A vehicle is a mechanism to commute between places with higher efficiency and less time consumption. A vehicle usually consists of multiple working components, in which the engine is well-known to be one of its most crucial components. Although it can be considered the most vital component in a vehicle, the knowledge gaps for an engine are still unlimited. So much more potential can be explored for an engine to reach its maximum capabilities. Part of the perspective that should be explored is to study the engine’s thermal properties. This paper aims to investigate the effect of varying temperatures at the exhaust manifold under a certain amount of time spans. The temperature varied from low to high and vice versa for 6 cycles. The results revealed that the exhaust manifold had undergone an alteration in the strain of the body’s elasticity. Because of that, the displacement of the exhaust manifold, load distribution, and direction have also been affected.

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