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  3. Volume 2, Issue 1

International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology

Volume 2, Issue 1

original research article

Module Stabilizing of Biocarbon Based Electrochemical Capacitor

Nirwan Syarif, Dedi Rohendi, Wulandari Sudarsono, Wai Yin Wong

Pages 32-38

One of the disadvantages of the electrochemical capacitor (EC) or supercapacitor compared with batteries is its low specific energy. It limits of EC to meet the energy needs of the electrical-electronic devices, such as electric cars. To overcome those limitations, it needs a serial circuit to increase the voltage range, and parallel circuits to increase the storage capacity. Practically, the module that built from 2-6 pieces of 2.5V EC cells will not feasible to make the module with the voltage of 5-15 V. It was found that the voltage of the EC cell could decreases to about 2.0 V, so that the capacitance of the module significantly reduced. This paper reports the basic methods that can be applied to overcome these problems by using a stabilizing or balancing component. The balancing components used in this study were a resistor, a Zener diode, and a Schottky diode. Each component was attached to every EC cell. The influence of the Zener and Schottky diode was observed as a component of a blocking diode. The results showed that the use of a 100-ohm resistor and Zener diode reduces voltage peaks while the use of blocking diode modules leads to increased discharge time. In general, there was no significant change in the charging time, both with and without the balancing and blocking component.
original research article

Evaluation of Motorcycle Energy Consumption in Urban Traffic

Stepan Pance, Daniel Piskac, Adam Bures, Antonin Voldrich, Maros Kovac, Bentang Arief Budiman

Pages 27-31

This paper aims to evaluate the energy consumption of motorcycle operating in urban traffic. Position, speed, and elevation in each time segment are collected by GPS - tracking data from the journey of motorcycle Honda Verza 150 in Bandung city. The distance, acceleration, and required tractive force for the motorcycle motion are then calculated. Furthermore, the energy consumption is investigated by modeling the motorcycle and calculating tractive force from the force equilibrium. For each time segment, engaged gear is then proposed for the best energy efficiency. The relationship among speed, required tractive force, and shifted gear according to time and distance are comprehensively discussed.
original research article

Calibration of Traffic Incident Simulation Models Using Field Data

Semuel Y. R. Rompis, Filmon G Habtemichael

Pages 19-26

This study presents a methodology to calibrate a traffic incident simulation model, particularly in a freeway. The queue length was used as the objective of the simulation model calibration in this study. The simulation model was set up using Traffic Simulation Model PTV. VISSIM. Multiple incident durations were simulated, and the generated queue lengths were compared to the observed queue lengths. The observed queue lengths were estimated using the LWR model and shockwave speeds calculated using the field data. The results confirm that calibrated VISSIM incident model can signify the shockwave propagation speeds and queue length in the event of freeway incident. Such a model can be implemented as an instrument for setting up traffic management strategies to alleviate the incident’s impact.
original research article

Network Analysis of Intercity Bus Terminal and Inner-City Toll Road Development – The Case of Bandung City

Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas, Russ Bona Frazila, Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, Widyarini Weningtyas, Muhammad Farda

Pages 8-18

This paper explores the impact of Gedebage Terminal development to traffic performance in Bandung City, as well as the development of the inner-city toll road that connects eastern and western part of Bandung City. In addition, the study also analyzes the potential of minibus / public transport route that connects three terminals, namely Gedebage, Cicaheum and Leuwipanjang Terminal, in Bandung City. The study is carried out by using the 4-step modeling principle, by utilizing EMME/4 software. According to the analysis, the development of inner-city toll road will impact the city’s road performance significantly. On the other hand, the development of Gedebage Terminal as a terminal that serves intercity travel replacing Cicaheum Terminal will influence road network performance around the terminal in terms of traffic flow, vehicle speed and volume capacity ratio. The analysis results also suggest that the addition of public transport fleet with high capacity, such as bus, that connects the bus terminals is necessary to support public transport performance in Bandung City.
original research article

Optimal Power Flow with Considering Voltage Stability using Chaotic Firefly Algorithm

Yun Tonce Kusuma Priyanto, Vicky Mudeng, Muhammad Robith

Pages 1-7

In transportation technology, the development of electric vehicle is growing rapidly. In the future, the availability of electrical power is crucial because every electric tool needs electrical power. Power plant must provide electrical power for all consumer include an electric vehicle. Sustainability of electrical power transmission and distribution must be considered as critical due to its high power consumption in the community. One of the problem to supply electrical power is how to keep the system’s voltage stability. Several variations on the load pattern and topological can lead to a substantial poor impact on the system. However, generation cost must be considered by utilities’ operator. This paper demonstrates a recently developed metaheuristic method called Chaotic Firefly Algorithm (CFA). Our simulation shows that this method may perform better than several well-known metaheuristic methods. Therefore, CFA may become a promising method to solve optimal power flow considering voltage stability cases.